Food, Self, and Society

Lenten Snow Day
February 28, 2010, 1:24 pm
Filed under: Patricia | Tags:

As I braced myself for the “blizzard” that was coming on Friday I couldn’t help myself but to wish that schools would be closed. When I went to bed on Thursday they were open, and then, at 6:30 Friday morning my mom came into my room and just whispered, “Schools are closed!” I turned to her and went “Yessssssssssssssss!!!” This meant that I wouldn’t have to go to student teaching that morning and it was probably too bad to make it into work. I slept until around 11:30 and looked out at the mess on our street. I called work and said I wouldn’t be able to make it in (I wasn’t trudging through that to sit around for a couple of hours!), and they understood. It was wonderful I had the whole day open.

So, what to do first? I was hungry, since I’m trying not to eat after 9pm I woke up with a rumbly tummy. I had plenty of time to actually cook some breakfast and didn’t have to rely on my usual on-the-go bag of mini-muffins. I decided to make pancakes (one of my favorites) and they came out delicious! I forgot to put my usual cinnamon on them, but they were still great. I didn’t use all the batter because I couldn’t possibly eat all those pancakes by myself! After some lounging I was still a little hungry so I thought about making a sandwich. Then I remembered it was a Friday in Lent, and therefore could not have a ham and cheese, or even a grilled cheese with bacon because I couldn’t have meat. So I decided to make some more pancakes. While I was making them my mom was making homemade Rice Krispie treats, so I decided to be somewhat inventive and put some marshmallows in my pancakes. It has promise, but it will take some more development. Pancakes like that are more of a treat, like a dessert than breakfast. Sort of like dessert crepes.

I like to play around with my food, but I tend to focus more on desserts. I have a hugee sweet tooth so when I feel like cooking I usually make cookies, cakes, brownies, cupcakes, etc. Then I put things I like in them, like peanut butter, chocolate, marshmallows – nothing even relatively healthy like fruit. It’s pure sweetness. :D So this time I substituted marshmallows in place of chocolate chips in my pancakes. I think maybe having both would have made them extra delcious. Maybe for the next snow day ;-)

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