Nawa Exhibit

My visit to the NAWA exhibit was an interesting experience as well a basis for a new sense of appreciation I have in art. When I arrived at the NAWA exhibit I noticed that it was relatively small, however it contained art of all kinds. I noticed that these pieces ranged from landscapes, to people and went as far as to be sculptures rather than oil paintings. Throughout the day I kept telling Mike, who travelled with me to the museum, the pieces which I enjoyed the most. As I was telling him about the pieces he noticed a recurring trend in the pieces I appreciated most, they were all of landscapes and none of them contained people. I also took note of this after he brought it up and I decided to think about why this was. I decided that this was because I appreciate the landscapes in the pictures because I can picture both myself being there as well as other people being there and interacting like it was a real society. This also allowed me to come to the conclusion that the reason why I liked the pieces shown to us by Lisa done by her mother were also some of my favorite pieces because I enjoy viewing the landscapes in the paintings. I also enjoyed a wreath dedicated to 9/11 which I saw in the gallery because I have a strong connection to the day. As someone who lost a family member, my uncle, in the tragedy, I whole pieces done about the day very beautiful. I also find that I appreciate work done about this horrible day because I hold a high sense of pride and love not just for my country, but for my city as well. I truly believe that there is no place in the world quite like New York and I appreciate any piece of work done to celebrate this great city. My trip as a whole to the NAWA exhibit was a success as I not only got to view some beautiful pieces of work and learn about a group of artists, I also found something out about myself. I found that my favorite pieces of art revolve around landscapes.

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