
In the days leading up to the opera I was not very excited for it. I had heard all sorts of bad reviews from the people from other seminar classes. However I was surprising happy with the overall performance and experience that the opera offered.When I read the opera it fascinated me, I was intrigued by the story line and that these people would go to such great lengths to protect this fugitive. I also enjoyed the scenes where the guards searched the home of Mario for the escaped fugitive. I was disappointed that the opera had cut this scene out. I also had some other concerns with the opera itself, I wish that it had been in English which of course would have made it easier to understand as well as allow us to watch the stage instead of reading a screen in front of us. I was also unhappy with certain scenes, in particular the church scene, running to long and the cutting of other scenes. I would have liked to have seen the scene with the capture of Angleotti. I also wished they had cut some of the length of the scene with Floria and Scarpia as I felt that ran too long. My final complaint, which I mentioned during class was the guard walking up and down the tower during the final scene. He distracted me during the scene and kept thinking about how bored he must have been. I however was pleased with my overall experience at the opera and enjoyed the night. I didn’t like the return trip home and getting in so late, and waking up for MatLab the next morning, but overall it was a great night and I will actually consider returning to the opera in the future.