Born Dry

The play reading was very insightful and awesome to watch. However, I feel that if the circumstances were different I would’ve enjoyed it more. I was exhausted from a long day and commute after the play so I wasn’t really up to watching it. I was already dreading my journey home so it was hard to focus during the play.

However, there are some parts that really stuck out to me. I found it extremely interesting how the play played out. The character development was something that showed to be really important throughout the play. The way the characters opinions and views changed truly shows how experiences change you.

I find that just going through the motions doesn’t necessarily always work out for people and that the only was to truly grow is to feel everything as you go through it. Making mistakes and not always clear path for how life is supposed to work. The characters in the play were at times not sure what they were doing or how they were supposed to do things. When they were on their journey originally there were concepts that were not agreed with, however overtime those ideals changed. He came to realize that certain things weren’t always so  black and white and how everything affects everyone differently. I think this is a powerful story and lesson about something that comes very hard to people.

To be truly accepting of everything regardless of your own personal beliefs is a powerful trait someone can have. It helps them form better connections with people because it breaks the former prejudices someone may have before they begin to manifest. I think the messages the play was trying to get across were extremely powerful in which they were relatable in everyday  human life.

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