Response to Museum

While unfortunately I was sick with flu like symptoms the day the class went as a whole to the Museum of the City of New York, I was lucky enough to make an independent trip to the museum myself. I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with entire museum. Generelly speaking, I felt that the authentic of the place was quite authentic, and the layout was conducive to understanding the structure of the city, and the cumulative living spaces where New Yorkers live.

I though the museum did a particularly good job conveying the demographics of New York through helpful uses of statistic. It was quite interesting learning the single/married makeup of the city, and particularly where these people generally live. What struck me was how often similar people with similar means and/or backgrounds tend to live near each This might make for a great social commentary on people in generally, and the organic, natural way a community slowly takes shape.

I felt the museum did a particular good job of balancing both the past, present, and future of New York City, giving the entirety of the exhibitions a very visceral feel. I was shocked at how current the exhibitions were, giving a detailed analysis of events taking place as we speak, such as the propositions of current mayor Michael Bloomberg. It was very learning about different initiatives of the mayor, specifically the new apartment development supposed to be built near Baruch.

Once again, the museum did a great job of metaphorically opening a window and previewing the lives of New Yorkers. It both illustrated what unites and New York but also pointed out the differences we share. In its comparison of the different Boroughs of New York, the museum segmented the Boroughs and showcased the physical differences between them. As expected, Manhattan encompasses more high rises and apartments, and outer boroughs such as Staten Island and Queens seemed more accommodating to traditional families. It was interesting to see the layout of the Bronx and to learn more about this borough which personally is still very much unfamiliar.

I was definitely wowed by the museum’s “The Future of New York City.” Getting a glimpse of the future is always an interesting endeavor, but the museum took this initiative to new heights. The museum’s model for the future is one where residential uniformity is not a necessity. The exhibited showcased apartments and living spaces which defied the convention norms. Architectural efficiency was certainly a main theme, as was building which seemed more integrated which their environments. In fact, getting more with less seems to be the defining value that both architects and engineers are geared on. In all, the museum was a fantastic experience, one I hope to repeat.

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