Lewis and Barwick – Response

Both Bartha Lewis and Kent Barwick, in their respective pieces for City Limits, agree that New York City and the borough of Brooklyn in particular, are in dire need of affordable housing. Median incomes have fallend while rent prices have risen over the last few years as Brooklyn is experiencing a population boom. Affordable housing is at the forefront of discussion over new housing developments. However, they disagree on whether the currently proposed Atlantic Yards project effectively addresses this important need. 

Kent Barwick believes that the city’s current policies for affordable housing are not taking the right approach . Atlantic Yards was designed with the idea that developers should be incentivized with permission to build larger high-density buildings. According to Mr. Barwick, New York City should follow the example of Bostona and San Diego and institute a city-wide rule for all new developers to incorporate affordable units as part of their construction, as opposed to individually negotiating over each new project. He also suggests that the city could consider adding new streets or finding new ways to connect different parts of the city in order to create public spaces, instead of having projects like the Atlantic Yards. However, it appears as though Mr. Barwick is criticizing Atlantic Yards not because it’s bad but because it’s not good enough. Although the ideas he talks about are creative and approach the affordable housing problem on a grander scale than what is being done at Atlantic Yards, it doesn’t seem feasible to put new housing projects on hold while these bigger ideas are being developed.

Secondly, Kent Barwick states that the Atlantic Yards project was not developed with a truly democratic process. He believes that the community did not have enough input in the planning. This is quite contrary to what Bartha Lewis writes in her article where she passionately argues that the private developers of Atlantic Yards worked closely with a neighborhood organization, ACORN to come up with their final plan for how to provide affordable housing. Ms. Lewis is of the opinion that Forest City Ratner was open to suggestions and responsive to needs. To prove this, she gives examples of how Atlantic Yards will make mixed income living a reality in Brooklyn. From the two articles, Ms. Lewis certainly has the better argued position.

However, Ms. Lewis’ argument about the “real world” and pragmatism is a little hard to accept. Atlantic Yards seems to be a reasonably well thought out project, and it has the potential to ease the burden on the housing market in Brooklyn. These are good arguments for why the project should receive the support of the residents. But to argue that Atlantic Yards is a good idea because it is the best that Brooklyn can hope for and that the residents should be realistic about how much progress they can make on this issue, seems counter-intuitive to Ms. Lewis’ point. Affordable housing should be the priority in new developments not secondary to firms’ desire to make profits. Residents should  be able to ask for and get well planned projects in their communities, not be forced to accept compromises.

That being said, in my opinion, the Atlantic Yards project has many advantages. It is exactly the kind of project that is going to add fuel to the boom in Brooklyn. Additionally, the specific details mentioned by Ms. Lewis show that the affordable housing issue was a major consideration during the planning process and some good solutions have come out of the negotiations. Residents of all income ranges will be distributed throughout the buildings and there will be no indication made to show that adjoining units are differently priced. Affordably priced units will also be offered for all sizes. I’m not sure if it is indeed feasible to make income a non-issue among neighbors in an apartment complex, but this is a step in the right direction.

Response to Eminent Domain and Megaprojects

In “Opposing Atlantic Yards: Fails to Accomplish a Delicate Balance,” Kent Barwick discusses issues with megaprojects such as Atlantic Yards. Bertha Lewis explains the benefits of these projects in “Supporting Atlantic Yards: Simply Not Enough Housing in Brooklyn.” In “Eminent Domain as Central Planning,” Nicole Gelinas criticizes the city’s use of eminent domain for developments.

One of Barwick’s main complaints was that the high rises of Atlantic Yards would ruin the neighborhood’s character. At first, I agreed with the idea that maybe such tall buildings should only be built in the neighborhoods where they belong. As I started thinking about it though, I started wondering if keeping such a neighborhood’s character was even feasible considering the demand for housing in New York City. The city has a large and growing population but limited land to house such a population. Lewis’ article explains that New York City has a huge need for affordable housing and compromises must be made because there is no perfect solution to the problem.

The article by Gelinas made me think about how unfairly areas were selected for eminent domain. Gelinas pointed out that almost all neighborhoods exhibit the criteria for a blighted neighborhood. When thinking about the city’s use of eminent domain as a class issue, I was surprised to realize that this process is very similar to one that occurred much earlier to wealthier residents of the city and has simply expanded. I believe the real issue is simply that New York City’s population and economy have been outgrowing the city itself. Changes must be made for the city to support its population. I believe this process began in the early 1900s when the mansions of New York City’s wealthy families on Fifth Avenue were replaced with high-rise apartment buildings. Development in New York City had expanded to its borders and, as land became scarce, it became more valuable. This, among other changes to New York’s society and culture made the idea of a family owning such a large home on such a large piece of land seem ridiculous. From there, the city continued this trend. What is occurring in Brooklyn with Atlantic Yards follows the same idea. There is not enough room in the city for housing, especially low-income housing. Therefore, the buildings with fewer floors that aren’t making the most of the land are being replaced with buildings that do.

One thing about this process that has changed is the use of eminent domain as a mechanism of acquiring the land that is to be redeveloped. While I do understand the issues that some people have with the methods the government used to make this land available to developers, I wonder how much of a difference it really makes. I would think that, as the city grows and demands more space, land values will increase and owners of properties that don’t use the land efficiently will end up paying more for taxes and possibly expenses. At this point, the residents would probably be priced out of their homes and they would be just as angry as they are about the use of eminent domain. Even if this did not happen and the residents were able to keep their keep their homes, I think there would be far more unhappy people struggling to find housing that they can afford in New York City.

I think megaprojects such as Atlantic Yards are a necessary part of New York City’s natural growth. I understand that there are going to be issues related to these developments and think as much should be done as possible to minimize issues but, in most cases, I think the good outweighs the bad.

Mega Projects Response

Honestly I was confused on why cities would like to avoid public investments. It made more sense to me when the author stated the reasons. Public investments in huge projects will reveal people who play a big part in these projects that don’t want to be known. Projects just may need public assistance as much anymore. I can understand this but I am pretty sure there are other projects that would like the money.

The author states that certain forms of large-scale public investment are very expensive, time consuming, and politically difficult after 1970. I understand for the public government why the cost would deter them from investing and how a time consuming project can negatively affect both the residents and the government. Although it is money being handed out by the government, there can be underlying reasons on why the project is being funded. Also, as a citizen who lives around the area I probably wouldn’t want to live around a mega project.

It is interesting they are mentioning mega project since the area I am doing for my project deals with two mega projects, the Javits Center and the construction of the 7 train station stop. As mentioned in the last paragraph, citizens who live around the area probably do not want to live around a mega project. I know from previous experience how citizens feel about megaprojects. The citizens in the area were complaining on how their standard of living is decreasing.

When the TSA was mentioned, I was reminded of the controversy they had a couple of with the full body scanners as a new mode of airport security. I actually did not know it was created as a reaction to 9/11 though it does make sense when I think about it now. It is funny to me how in the book, the author states that the TSA would need 6.8 billion dollars to by the end of 2002 and it has become one of the government associations people complained about the most. I am not too sure how people still feel about air travel though. I feel like people are definitely less afraid about terrorist attacks since Osama bin Laden is dead now. Last time I went to an airport, there seemed to a lot of traffic. One question I would have is what are the revenues of air transportation in relation to the years after 9/11. Have they decrease, increase, or remain the same level after 9/11?

Although projects like the Javits Center, the Cultural Shed, and the MTA railroad construction are less disruptive on the national level, how citizens feel should still be a major part to be considered. Our era of mega projects is definitely small scale compared to the past where highways would be put in place of old building and slums. In the city, I don’t think more buildings are necessary anymore. Like in Hudson Yards, redevelopment on old neighborhoods would be better than putting a new convention center next to another one.

Mega-project:the changing politics of urban public investment

In the introduction of the book Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment, Altshuler gives an overview of how American government works. The unique relationship between cities and higher-level government creates a system that allows private investment opportunities. The higher-level government was encouraging local governments to find ways to develop their cities. Therefore, Local governments are constantly working hard to make themselves a more attractive candidate for become a partner with private investors.

A lot of mega-projects were taken place in part of city where occupied by poor people. Those mega-projects usually have a large influence on people as well as the whole city. However, it became harder to build a mega-project today because now there are many government programs that protect these poor. Another reason that explains why there are less mega-projects today is that many criticized that mega-projects destroyed homes of poor people.

Altshhuler mentioned three mega-projects types, which are highways, airports, and rail transit systems. These are the three major projects around the time, which cost a lot of money to build but hard to get any profits from them. I think that it is not a good idea to have public mega-project because when government needs funds for their public projects, one way of raising money is to increase the tax, but they weren’t making anything back.

One interesting point that Altshuler made in his introduction is that “political scientists concerned with urban politics have recently been preoccupied with business influence and economic development policy.” I agree with him that tax money and federal funds were definitely not enough for a city to grow, and to implement its entire project. Therefore local governments were “marketing” themselves, and try to make themselves to be more attractive to the private investor, so that private sectors will help to start projects that will benefits both the city and the private investors.

I think that when government and private investors work together, we will solve the problem with funding. Those private investors will make the funding possible; however, they may slow down the process and may reduce the government’s power in decision-making. This is what Altshuler mentioned in his book, in which our cities were highly depended on private sectors for decision-making. If the local politicians only focused on how to attract investors, not seek help from higher-level government, then I feel like our central government had lost part of its purpose.

Atlantic Yards Response

Atlantic Yards is a huge undertaking, redeveloping 22 acres in Downtown Brooklyn. Some argue that the project is a benefit to the community, providing jobs and affordable housing while others make the claim that the redevelopment will be overwhelming and take up a lot of space. I agree with Nicole Gelina’s argument, who talks about the failures of central planning and for those reasons I mainly oppose the redevelopment of Atlantic Yards.

I had not heard of this redevelopment project until reading about it recently and I was surprised to learn that it is being planned by architect Frank Gehry. Known for his beautiful and surreal buildings, Gehry already has two well known buildings in Manhattan; the luxury apartment skyscraper on 8 Spruce Street and IAC/InterActiveCorp’s headquarters on the West side. While I admire Gehry’s talent, I am opposed to the notion of central planning. Though knowing his excellent work, I am sure the Atlantic Yards redevelopment project will at least be aesthetically pleasing.

The Atlantic Yards project required taking private property away from residents in order to get land to build. The buildings and “half-million-dollar apartments” were labeled as being blighted, though “the city had already designated part of the neighborhood as “blighted” 40 years earlier, long before its resurgence” (Gelinas). Residents of the neighborhood, looking to keep their homes, have lost those lawsuits, with the court “abdicat[ing] its duty to protect property owners from the governor” (Gelinas). I greatly disagree that the government has the right to take away private property for the sake of the public for redevelopment projects. Gelinas makes a good point when she states, “Whenever government fails to confine itself to a limited role in the economy, it creates similar uncertainty.” These uncertainties often create incentives for people to take unnecessary risks, knowing the government will be providing support if something goes wrong, or create a lack of incentives to invest or upkeep infrastructure stemmed from artificial “low income” rent pricing.

While Kent Barwick also opposes the redevelopment of Atlantic Yards, I don’t quite agree with his arguments. He seems to think that the Atlantic Yards will “overwhelm the surrounding neighborhoods” and says the buildings will be large and take up a lot of space. I don’t find this a negative aspect of the project. In fact, this may be the only positive element of the Atlantic Yards. Gehry is a talented architect who probably has an interesting design for a large building. Barwick also seems to think that large buildings will turn out as “tall, deadening towers,” yet tall buildings can be built with storefronts facing the streets as well. Large buildings in Manhattan have a multitude of shops and stores on their lower levels, making the streets inviting to walk upon.

Thus the size of the buildings and height are irrelevant. If a private company was building large buildings for market-rate housing or offices, there would be no reason to complain. The residents would have the right to remain in their houses or chose to sell to the private developer, who would have the highest incentives to create an attractive and safe project to attract residents. This is not the case with this redevelopment of the Atlantic Yards. Using eminent domain or claims of blighted neighborhoods to take private land, the government is forcing this project onto the neighborhood.

Atlantic Yards

Upon first reading the description of Atlantic Yards, I believed it would be a huge benefit to the Brooklyn community. However, after viewing the opposition’s perspective on the construction of Atlantic Yards, I am not so sure I would fully support the project. The economic benefits the project would bring sounds extremely enticing to me, as someone who has never even been near the area; However, for people who live in the community, this project is an enormous gavel pounding down their homes and dreams. The main issue of this project appears to be eminent domain; does the government have the right to take private property to build this project for “public use?”

If the Atlantic Yards project does go through, it would bring in a lot of jobs, families, housing, and profit to the area. As their site mentions, the project will bring in $5 billion in tax revenues in the next 30 years, 8,000 permanent jobs, and 6,430 units of housing. In addition, there will be other benefits to the people of the community. For example, the construction of the arena they plan to build will have certain reservations for people of the community, such as certain tickets set aside for community use. The description and plan for this project sounds extremely appealing. I would be interested in moving into a community like that actually. It seems like a convenient place to live, and sounds like a mini city. There is no doubt that the area would bring in a lot of profit, especially since there is a variety of public transportation nearby.

Although Atlantic Yards would provide huge economic benefits to the community and the state, for the people living in the area already, this project is a nightmare. Not only will they have to give up their homes and find new affordable places to live, they have to give up memories attached to the homes. In addition, many small businesses will have to close down just for this project. If that is their source of income, how will business owners make money after shutting down for the construction of this project? Although Atlantic Yards considers the community, at the same time it does not consider the community. The community consists of the people who are already living there, but it appears that this project excludes the people living there who are taking up the space of where the project would be using. As the government is supporting this project, they are also ignoring people of the community, which they should be helping. I think that the opinions of those vastly affected by Atlantic Yards do not matter to the government or the company due to the large revenue it will bring in.

City Journal brings up many valid points on whether the city has the right to take away private property and replace it with Atlantic Yards. Two main points I thought could possibly overturn the case for allowing Atlantic Yards to be constructed were the definitions for “blight” and “public use.” The first word, “blight,” was used to refer to bad conditions in the neighborhood. The company’s reason for allowing this project to be built was that the neighborhood was in unseemly quality with ‘unpainted walls and loose awnings.’ However, if one were to actually live in the area, he/she would notice that the neighborhood is not in terrible shape as the company depicts it as. Thus, there needs to be a standard of what is considered “blight.” Once this standard is created, people against Atlantic Yards may have a chance of disputing against its construction.

In addition, another word requires a strict definition, which may determine the approval or disapproval of Atlantic Yards: “public use.” Is the construction of Atlantic Yards considered public use? In my perspective, I do not think you can consider this project public use. My idea of public use is a non-profit facility open to the public or a facility absolutely necessary for the public. New York law appears to be very flexible with the word “public use” as it appears anything is possible as long as there is just compensation. However, from the cases against the construction of the Atlantic Yards, it appears that he law is too focused on the meaning of what blight, when they should also be considering the meaning of public use. With my definition of public use, the construction of Atlantic Yards would not be possible.

“Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment” Response

The book, Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment, discusses different methods of funding public projects. In all honesty, I really didn’t understand the private investment aspect. What I got from it is that American cities fight for private investors’ money in order to support the projects necessary to revitalize them. If that is correct, then I find it pretty awful that cities have to compete for these things. It appears that the government refrained from helping because it received negative feedback when it did so, but I don’t see why. This is something that I think is the government’s responsibility, so I don’t understand why people wouldn’t want the help. It’s actually not the government’s fault, but having the cities battle it out for investors is just ridiculous.

However, it seems that cities are perfectly capable of attaining this funding. Once that happens, the main focus becomes the actual construction. Recently, cities have been building expressways in areas with little to no urban development. As expected, there has been criticism: it encourages the expansion of cities and increases traffic. However, people also dislike when expressways are built through areas that are already urbanized. Somebody is unhappy either way, but I think it’s best to build the expressways before the urbanization occurs. In the long run, it works out better for everyone to grow a city around this central structure instead of forcing it into the middle of something that is already established and functions well. This complies with the “do no harm” paradigm, and its potential problems probably would’ve happened anyway.

Something that violates the “do no harm” rule, on the other hand, is the renovation of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. It involves the displacement of 300 residential apartments, but it services a lot of people and companies. This brings up the question of if it’s okay to sacrifice a little in order to gain a lot. It sounds reasonable, but I’m sure that the people being moved out of their homes don’t feel that way. I think the “do no harm” clause is great. There must be other ways to go about building or rebuilding structures that avoid harming people in the process. This “do no harm” concept can definitely be followed, so it should absolutely be enforced.

The criticisms of these mega-projects really made me think about how cities avoid expansion. With New York City, the population has steadily risen over time, yet the allocated space for the city has hardly increased, and not nearly at the same rate if it has at all. This would mean that cities just have to recycle their land over and over again whenever they start to run out of space. How do planners come up with new ways to do this all the time? Will there ever be a point where they can’t continue? Is there a backup plan for when that happens?

This book focuses on the mega-projects of the twentieth century. Now in the twenty-first century, there don’t seem to be as many. This is mostly because they have become increasingly expensive, but I also think it has to do with the fact that so many things have already been built. There isn’t really a need for another airport or highway in most American cities; they are all doing just fine with what they have as of now. Since we no longer need new transportation facilities, we have turned to creating space intended for living and recreation. Mega-projects have just changed in nature, and they are fortunately still happening profusely.

Eminent Domain as Central Planning Response

Eminent Domain is the power for the government to take private property for public use. In the U.S., the Fifth Amendment gives the government the power to take property for “public use” as long as it makes “just compensation” for them. This leave a lot of room for debate, as there is the question of what is public use and just compensation. There is also a question of whether or not this power of the government is right, since peoples right to private property is taken away. When talking about eminent domain, it’s hard not to think about Robert Moses and all that he built and that many critics believed that he abused the power of eminent domain. Although that may be true and many people were displaced because of all of his projects, it’s difficult to imagine the city without the things he built. For me, when I read about the project that it in the works that will use eminent domain, such as Atlantic Yards, or Willets Point, it’s difficult to think that the positives and benefits of the project will out weight the negatives of displacing people but when I look back on projects, like those of Moses, it’s much easier to see all the positives and why there is a need and use for eminent domain.

In the case of Atlantic Yards, the justification for eminent domain was blight, but the author says that the consultants had to stretch for the area to be labels as blight. Prospect Height was not initially blighted, but after owners left due to the threat of having their property taken away due eminent domain, it became a state of decay. This really just does not seem right on the part of the government, but I imagine that this happens in many areas where there is the possible threat of eminent domain to be used for a development project.

When I first saw that the article was going to be about eminent domain, I immediately thought about my project topic, Willets Point, which is also mentioned in the article. There is currently a plan to replace the scrapyards, auto body shops, and industrial sties of Willets Point with a large shopping center, housing, office space, and some other things meant to improve the area, and could potentially use eminent domain to acquire the land needed for the redevelopment project. As the article says, there is the mindset that in Willets Point, “anything is better than grubby body shops.” But the area serves people that would have a difficult time find another job since it is mainly immigrants, with limited skills who work there. It’s also a destination area to get cheap work done which is good for people who may not really be able to afford to go elsewhere to get their cars fixed.

Something that caught my attention was the author’s assessment that eminent domain abuse is a symptom of a deeper problem, the government’s belief that central planning is superior to free-market competition. In the case of Atlantic Yards and Willets Point, it seems like the government just wants to a big developer to go in and boost the area and economy as opposed to allow the small business stay and perhaps boost the area with time. I think it’s understandable to use eminent domain to build a public highway, hospital, school, or something like that, but for entertainment purposes, it really doesn’t seem like it should be used. There is more to Atlantic Yards than the Barclays Center, but that is the main part of the development, and for Willets Point, it would be the shopping center. The other stuff just seems to make the redevelopment sound better and more like it’s really for public use. In theses situations, eminent domain seems to be used to enrich few private developers at the expense of many small private developers.

I think it’ll take time to see whether the Atlantic Yards development, or other similar megaprojects in the city will be successful or not, but so far it seems to be the approach the city is taking as opposed to just trying to fix up an area. As the article said, the courts also aren’t much help for homeowners, except maybe in the case of West Harlem. In the research I have done so far for the project about Willets Point, the resident of Willets Point and several business owners have filed lawsuits, but it does not seem like they will win even though they have before. It sounds like the redevelopment plan for Willets Point will be approved and go on as planned, but a part of me hopes that it won’t because I don’t really think it is the best thing especially if the use of or threat of eminent domain is used.

Altshuler – “Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment” || Response

In “Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment”, Altshuler focuses on urban politics and public policy by addressing mega-projects. But what exactly are these mega-projects? He uses this term to describe highways, airports, and rail transit systems, which were endowed by federal programs and federal funding. In Chapter Nine, Altshuler pays close attention to the developments of the twenty-first century and the future of these mega-projects.

At the very beginning of the chapter, Altshuler states how these mega-projects are becoming “increasingly marginal” (270). It seems as if everything is just too expensive to be constructed. The economic recession, decrease in tax revenue, decrease in tourism revenue and decrease in airport, highway, and airline revenues also played a role. I found it surprising that tourism revenue is used to fund sports facilities and convention centers. With the available funds the government does have, beefing up and maintaining security remains a top priority (especially after 9/11). Additional things that are hindering the growth of mega-projects are federal programs that help the poor and elderly.

One thing I found particularly interesting was the “do no harm” imperative. I understand that it is important to not negatively impact businesses or residents in an area where a mega-project will be constructed. Altshuler brings up the example of the expansion of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, which will displace approximately three hundred residential apartments. It violates the “do not harm” norm. The expansion however, is seen to have more pros than cons to better serve the future.

This reminds me of Willets Point, which is home to many auto-body repair shops, scrapyards, and businesses of the same sort. Bloomberg’s Willets Point Redevelopment Project will certainly “do harm” to the workers and business owners of that area. They are forced to relocate and find new jobs. This brings a few questions to mind – to what extent does the “do no harm” imperative apply? Is it okay as long as the benefits outweigh the damages? Is it okay as long as there are government programs to assist in the relocation and training of displaced workers?

Despite the decline in mega-project growth, Altshuler concludes that he does believe the era for them is not over. It may not be like it was during the late twentieth century. There are many shortfalls, but the government is slowly but surely funding new mega-projects. I would have to agree with Altshuler. Examples today are the Barclay’s Center, the Willets Point Redevelopment Project, Hudson Yards, and Atlantic Yards.

The Atlantic Yards

From its inception, the Atlantic Yards megaproject was shrouded in controversy between developers and residents. Some residents are pleased with the inclusion of affordable housing in the project’s 22 acres of redevelopment. However, the government’s continued emphasis on central planning has caused many to raise concerns.

To begin, I found it surprising that the Atlantic Yards project even catered to housing and environmental needs in the surrounding communities. The 22 acre redevelopment project is centered around the Barclay’s Center. However, some land has also been set aside for residential use. About 4,500 units of rental housing will be provided, half of which will serve low, moderate, and middle income families. In addition, the demolition and construction of the new site was planned with the environment in mind. About 75% of materials will be recycled and efforts have been made to reduce noise and air pollution during the process. Altogether, it seems that the residents were given enough reason not to oppose the project.

Furthermore, the Atlantic Yards developer, FCRC (Forest City Ratner Companies), signed a community benefits agreement that seemed to appease many parties. The agreement promised that contractors would hire part of their workforce from people in the community, with an emphasis on minority and women workers.  In addition, affordable housing for seniors, the development of a health center, and the provision of other amenities were signed into contract. It seemed unthinkable that developers would even agree to such terms. However, after more research, it became clear that FCRC used the agreement as a means of stifling opposition towards the project. Community activist groups such as ACORN were used to fighting losing battles for the sake of their residents. Consequently, when the Atlantic Yards project came along, they were swayed by the written agreement that considered low-income residents in the neighborhood. Hence, despite the existing issues of repossessing land, bypassing of Brooklyn officials, and excessive government planning, community groups were satisfied with the promises made in the CBA.

The concerns regarding land repossession and continued central planning are of most importance to residents who still adamantly oppose the Atlantic Yards project. To begin, the government can exercise its 5th amendment right to take property for public use if the land is considered “blighted.” The problem with this classification is that there is no standard for what is considered blighted land. According to Nicole Gelinas, in the 1930s “blighted” was equated to “families and children dying from rampant fires and pestilence.” Today the term is used in a much looser sense, typically signifying cracked sidewalks, graffiti, and underutilization. Hence, government can deem practically any good piece of land blighted if they desire to repossess it for development. Furthermore, by refusing to put in place proper infrastructure, they can also expedite the process of property becoming “blighted.” As a result, many citizens believe that the hand of government should be removed from projects like Atlantic Yards and allow private markets to dictate conditions for redevelopment.

On the surface, the Atlantic Yards project appears to provide a supreme benefit to the low-income residents of its surrounding neighborhoods by offering job development, affordable housing, business contracting, and community amenities. However, when researched further, it becomes clear that the megaproject was actually a product of overt government influence and planning. Although there is reason to celebrate the inclusion of some residents, it is important to acknowledge that surrounding communities were only given consideration as a means of gaining approval of the Atlantic Yards project and not for the overall benefit of the people.