Letter to a friend in America from Paris- Vanessa Sun

My dearest friend Ariel,

It has been many months since I have sent you a letter and for that, I give you my sincerest apologies. I have been traveling and have been unable to pause between my journeys to send my greatest of friends a single ounce of correspondence. You will be quite understanding, I hope, when you learn of where I’ve been.

You cannot possibly imagine how thrilling it is to be working on my artwork in Paris of all places!

Paris! The place where we have dreamed of our whole lives. And it is better than you could imagine.

The trip itself was grand, as well– I cannot skip over those details. I took a simple boat over from America. It was many days before we finally reached European territory. During that boat ride, however, I found a strange inspiration in the water. I painted as the waves rocked the boat, painted the blue water that is blue as any river seen before. The sunsets were simply breathtaking and I painted that too until I had no paint left. Then it was just my luck that I found another fellow painter aboard. His name was Frances de Marquis and allowed me to use some of his paint. His mother accompanied him and played violin aboard, giving the deck some nightly jigs and celebrations. Once we reached the shore, I was able to sell many pieces. The mainland ports were in demand of some landscape paintings. My style was unique, the buyers claimed. They could see that the up and down movements of the boat were captured in every stroke of my artwork! Their recognition was quite a surprise to me. In America, there was nothing quite so friendly as this in an exchange.

Overall, the people here have been much kinder toward my art. I am creating a small amount of success over here. I am still in contact with Monsieur Marquis and have been hoping to have him help me find a sponsor. He is a friend of many that have achieved fame either through music and art. He has been kind enough to ask me to accompany him to Italy, where he will be going in a matter of days. I accepted his generous offer, of course. There is something to travel that inspires the heart to create more art. And I would love to go with him, but I will not get into that and let you think of what will come of it in the following weeks. I will give you word on news of our… relationship as it progresses on. For now, we may call him my travel companion, if any such label is needed.

But oh, dear Ariel, the connections here are unlike any you can get back in the States, I assure you. You best bring your cello and come here to see me! I guarantee a performance at a lady’s wedding or a lord’s birthday festivities! You would play to your heart’s content every night. The music, the artwork of the streets… You must experience it yourself! I have painted many more pieces than I ever could at the studios back in New England. They are cleaner here, too, with supplies being shipped far more easily than there. Everything is better. Alas, I still miss your presence. Think of both our happinesses achieved so easily when in Europe!
I shall go back and visit you soon, but I must tell you of the churches I have been to here. I have heard of the grandness of Italy’s cathedrals, but Paris has its own beauties nonetheless. I dream of painting just one holy ceiling, of just one masterpiece being known for all eternity.

I shall send you more news upon my arrival in Italy, but know that I am doing quite wonderfully for the time being, painting flowers, the hills, the vastness of nature! You would do well to visit! Write back soon, at least.

With much love and happiness,

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