She was used to feeling lonely. She felt that no one understood. To live in a world where your so-called friends turn their backs to you, where you feel as if no one notices you even exist. It was a feeling she couldn’t begin to describe, because it was so much more than words could depict. All she could say was that it was depressing. Everyday, she wrote in her diary, the only place she felt that she could express her feelings about the outside world:
I believe humans were made for each other, to accompany one another. There is reason why God created Eve for Adam. To know there is someone to talk with, to rant to, to embrace…those are the most precious moments that most take advantage of. I know that I did. When I was constantly surrounded by friends, I did not take the time to appreciate the love and company I had been granted. Loneliness is like standing in an empty room. In actuality, you are in a crowded room, surrounded by multitudes of conversations, yet you aren’t a part of any of them. You look around and can see there are so many other humans beings that can provide you with company, but don’t. You may as well be in an empty room because no one can see or realize or understand that you in fact are alone. Everyone is too involved in their business, or simply doesn’t care that you are an outcast. One person can make a difference. Just one. One head turning, one mouth speaking, one being acknowledging. This is all it takes. To grab the attention of someone who is willing to include you. It’s funny how one second, you can have all of the friends in the world, or at least it seems that way, and then the next thing you know, you’re standing in solitude. There is a difference between choosing to be in solitude and being forced into it. Everybody needs time to themselves. Everyone needs to get away from the world in order to enjoy the noise of silence. However, when you are forced to be alone, your perspective changes. Because every single moment is spent alone, you are constantly screaming at the world to let you in. You are constantly seeking attention. You don’t have need anymore tim to yourself, for you have had enough of it. You desire to laugh at others’ jokes and be invited to places and understand inside jokes. How are people forced into solitude? I’ve come to realize, it isn’t always the person’s fault. Most would assume the lonely person is to blame, for they must have done something wrong, must have chosen this life. Sometimes, this may be the case. Other times, it is far from the truth. People can be neglected. Not everyone has a huge personality. Not everyone is outgoing. Not everyone is able to speak up when those around them are so much louder. It’s hard to speak up when those around you are yelling. Do others a favor and be considerate. Look around. It’s easy to be involved in your regular conversation, but why don’t you look up and seek out that one person? He needs you. She needs you. Don’t ignore those who have been forgotten.
She desired that one day, all of those around her would hear the message she wrote in her journal daily. That she would finally feel welcomed and accepted. But she found herself waiting a long time.