DUE Friday, September 28, by 5pm.

We would like you to compose an informal blog post of around 200 words addressing the following points. Please do not write this as a series of bulleted answers, rather, incorporate all the ideas into a coherent one or two paragraphs. We are asking you to reflect on some of the ideas that have come up during both your own Hot Topic research as well as listening to your classmates.

This assignment is graded on a “check” system: if you complete the assignment on time and put in the effort, you get full credit (2% of your total grade). Be sure to check the category “Blog Entry 1” or you will not receive credit.

Informal writing means you should still take the time to re-read your writing and check for clarity as well as errors. However, you should feel free to adopt a reflective, casual, exploratory tone in your entry. Assume that the general public is your audience.

  • If you had to author an article in the NY Times or a comparable periodical on a scientific paper, what elements would you be sure to include to make it appealing to a broader audience yet remain scientifically sound?
  • Other than simplifying scientific jargon (which we all see is an important function of these articles), what do you think makes for a good representation of scientific research in a popular media report?
  • Are there areas where you think authors need to improve when writing about science?
  • Was there anything in your own research, or in the presentations of your classmates, that struck you as interesting, innovative, controversial, or surprising? If so, what and why?