Working alongside my peers in the MakerHub Lab on the TinkerCad interface developing our 3D Healthcare Innovation really opened up my eyes to the importance of the experimental design aspect of a scientific project. Without our initial attention to detail in our learning phases of TinkerCad, properly building our 3D Healthcare Innovation would have been much more difficult without the knowledge we gained from that training period we spent in the MakerHub Lab. Those experiences helped to shape the way we approached the construction and development of our prototype to hold and cool severed body parts in the case of emergencies. Although this process was vital, I never realized how vital it would become because as we developed our prototype, we had to account and include in the previous steps of the Scientific Method. This proved imperative to the success of building an efficient 3D prototype that followed our observations and was measured by data analysis around how large to make the box depending on the average size of common human limbs that were severed. If we didn’t account for this previous data and observations, we would be developing an incomplete and incompetent experimental design. Overall, this learning process building and developing our 3D Healthcare Innovation really taught me to factor in the other steps of the scientific process in order to produce the best results.

– AJ Johnson