My Police Views

In my past I have never personally had an interaction with the New York Police Department (NYPD). The closest to an encounter with the NYPD that I have had is by seeing my father receive a ticket for his driving. Of course those tickets with my father were all very much so deserved. A big reason for me not directly having any issues with the police, is that I have always put myself in situations that kept me safe from ever being arrested. That does not mean, however, that I believe the police do not act against those who are innocent, and have not broken the law in any particular way. There are most certainly police officers hold racist, homophobic, or other discriminatory views, which cause them to carry out heinous acts against these people.  While I have never had an encounter with the NYOPD, I do fear the concept of ever having to deal with a member of them. Some of this fears drives from the fact that while I may not portray any specific ethnic minority through the color of my skin, many people are able to tell that I identify as a gay male in society. So while I have never had an encounter with police officers, I have heard through others I know how poorly one can be treated by them. This fear is something that others carry so deeply with them, that it should show society how badly we need a change. A change in the way police officials, and government officials treat people in society.

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