Chapter 10

  1. Is college necessary in order to be successful? When ever people discuss this question, many people say that it is not necessary, and they bring up people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg who all did not receive a college degree (they dropped out), yet they are three of the most successful people that we have seen in the last several decades. However, can we make them the ultimate models for people who did not graduate college, or are they just exceptions, and they just got lucky?
  2. Many students take a gap year in between their senior year in high school and their freshman year at college, but is a gap year really helpful to students or is it just an excuse for students to have fun and delay their college education?
  3. From an economic perspective, is college really worth it? (On one hand, if you try to get a job directly after high school, it will be a low-paying job, but you won’t have to pay back an enormous amount of loans. One the other hand, if you go to college first, your job might pay you much more, but you won’t be earning for the four years of college and you’ll have huge loans to pay off.)
  4. Is going to college directly after high school really a wise decision for someone that doesn’t know what they’re interested in, or is it better for them to take some time off until they know what they want to go in to?
  5. As we look towards the future, is the pay gap between those with college degrees and those only having a high school diploma only going to continue widening, or will it stabilize or even lessen any time in the near future?

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