Chapter 1: The Great Credential Race

Despite the administrative/business aspect of the higher education system, should universities view students as customers, utilizing degree programs and on-campus amenities as marketing tools?

Do you believe there is a corporate-like system within higher-level institutions? If so does is play a positive or negative affect in your experience?

Given the decline in the bachelor’s degree’s significance in today’s society, should undergraduate degrees be accessible to everyone, regardless of academic performance?

Should colleges provide customizable curriculums to suit the convenience of the students? If so, would it enhance the overall educational experience?

Education today has become more competitive than it has ever been. Institutions constantly compete for prestige and financial capital. Many individuals are also unaware of the criteria utilized by academic news reporters to assess the quality of the institution. Could university rankings by media outlets such as U.S News be detrimental to the public’s general knowledge of a ‘good’ college?

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