Chapter 10 Questions

  1. Is it a good idea to do as Altucher, who attended Cornell, advised and to invest tuition money on a business or some other venture as a replacement for attending college?
  2. Are some students just sent off to college because their families don’t know where to put them? Are some people in college just because that’s the only path option they are aware of, even though they don’t think college is suited for them?
  3. What do you think about programs that involve students getting credits for on-site work that they do? There was mention of companies that educate their workers through processes like boot camps. Do you think that is an efficient way to teach them what they know instead of them having to go to school to learn that?
  4. Is taking a year off in between college and high school a smart decision or wasteful? Is it good because people get worldly experiences, or is it bad because money just gets spent on expensive trips?
  5. Is higher education stuck in a vicious cycle due to the education gap, whereas people from higher income families have more of an ability to attend selective colleges, which can lead them to becoming rich as well and sending their children off to selective colleges as well?

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