Reading Questions for 4/3

1. Bowen stated that there is a need for the reengineering of higher education. Where do we start?

2. Gardner says that universities should “cut the frills” when it comes to residential life to reduce the cost of higher education. From my own experience, many students use the condition of the dorms and residential life as one of the deciding factors when choosing a college. Will “cutting the frills” and making dorms simpler and less homely or luxurious result in less applicants and/or dormers? Will students who live close enough decide to commute instead?

3. Tenured professors are protected and have rights to academic freedom, but should they be evaluated every few years to ensure that they are doing their jobs, teaching students meaningful material, and treating them fairly?

4. If states are granting more than half of their financial aid on need rather than merit, what will keep students striving to do their best if they are not rewarded?