General Interview Questions- Michelle Shayowitz

1) What aspects of your mission statement distinguish you from other universities? What type of students are you looking for, and how do you go about choosing who gets admitted? Do you think that this is the best criteria to base your decision on?

2) What is the student-to-faculty ratio in your college? Do you feel that the lower the ratio, the better the education? Do you think that a change in the ratio would benefit your university, but you just don’t have the finances to support it?

3) In addition to transforming your students into well-educated individuals, is there anything that you do in order to ensure that they have the practical skills necessary in order to excel in the workplace?

4) In order to graduate from college, is it enough that students just complete a certain amount of credits? Or do you think that students should also be required to pass some sort of assessment test?

5) Do you believe that granting tenure to professors can negatively affect the quality of education?

6) What are a few of the major issues your college is facing now, and where do you see your college ten years from now? What changes do you think are necessary? Do you see an increase in tuition? New technologies? Larger classes? More part-time professors? Full-time professors? Etc.