Tickets and Reading Packet

Important- please read!

1) Tickets for Little Foxes at NYTW are CONFIRMED for SUNDAY 9/12 at 7PM. WE will meet in the lobby at 6:40 and be seated by 6:50.

2) Some students emailed me today to say that the readings in the packet were jumbled by the copy store. I apologize for this snafu- and I assure all of you that it was in perfect order when it was delivered to them, so I don’t know exactly what went wrong, but I will rectify it and offer a solution when I return. In the meantime, I believe the readings for next class were stuck into the series 2 and series 4 readings. Use the table of contents as best as you can to locate the material that is in the packet, and read the chapter from Empty Space. Again my apologies that they were not more meticulous in the copying of the packet.

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