Contes D’Hoffman!

An Opera? Sounds boring. Well that’s what I first thought when I read it on the syllabus. However, I was so happy that we had the great opportunity to even go to such a wonderful Opera even though I got home at 1 am!

Walking down the streets to get to Lincoln Center, I was kind of tired but still excited to see what I would encounter that night. First off, Lincoln center was BEAUTIFUL at night and I was sad that I had never been to it before. “A place like this exists in NY?”; I thought to myself. Well, watching all the fancy people walk in and the beautiful chandeliers also made me feel very “cultured”. The atmosphere was very inviting.

I didn’t know how I would like the opera since it was in German and I have trouble enjoying things I cant understand even if there are subtitles. Yet, even though it was in German I felt like I could relate to the emotions of the performers and still enjoyed it even with subtitles.

I felt like the whole opera was not as traditional as I expected it to be (in a good way). In the first act, we get introduced to Hoffman, a guy we feel pity for as he is desperate for love. I think that this character is universal and relates to everyone that was watching the opera. Its like we feel obliged to watch and see where his love story goes. I definitely enjoyed the first act the most because I thought it was the most engaging and cheerful one. The costumes and set design were so uplifting that I felt drawn in even though we were all the way in the back. Furthermore, I liked the choreography of the different characters on stage although I would’ve liked more dancing throughout the whole opera. However, one thing that I was disturbed by was the almost naked women on stage! I felt that this was a bit TOO modern and VERY unnecessary. I wondered how the older audience felt about those costumes as well.

I felt like the second act was kind of gloomy and honestly it was hard for me to keep my eyes open. Its possible this is because it was getting later in the night but I was wide awake for the entirety of the first act so I’m not so sure. I loved the elegant dress that Antonia wore and her singing was very beautiful as well. I thought this act was on the more traditional side which I thought the opera needed to have some of so I did appreciate that. I think that a younger audience member such as myself would enjoy at least a little bit of traditional opera just because it’s classic. Personally, I don’t think that opera has to go too far from its more traditional form as Contes D’Hoffman showed. I felt like this opera had a perfect blend of traditional and modern opera to entertain all ages.

I don’t have the habit of sleeping that late so I must say during the third act, my eyes being forced to close. I did fight it, however, and thought the storyline overall was kind of crazy. This is actually a good thing because I wanted to know what would happen next in Hoffman’s unpredictable life. One thing that I think would help young adults appreciate the opera more is if it were at earlier times! That was one of the biggest problems I had with the show; it was way too late for me. I also feel like if opera directors publicized more it would help young people to explore opera. I never saw an opera ad or even heard of one and feel like the advertisers need to do a better job. If it wasn’t for Arts in NYC, I would’ve missed out on such a wonderful piece as many of my fellow teens already have.

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