Author Archives: ashleybarlev

Posts by ashleybarlev

Contes D’Hoffman--posted on Sep 30, 2010
--posted on Sep 30, 2010
--posted on Sep 29, 2010
--posted on Sep 29, 2010
--posted on Sep 28, 2010
--posted on Sep 26, 2010
--posted on Sep 25, 2010
The Metal Children and Taxi Driver--posted on Sep 23, 2010
--posted on Sep 22, 2010
--posted on Sep 19, 2010

Comments by ashleybarlev

"Thanks for your help Jackie!...and that schoolgirl outfit was perfect for Olivia in the spring scene.... And I agree that Jeff and Jeremy did a wonderful job!"
--( posted on Dec 20, 2010, commenting on the post Multimedia Project Blog )
"First of all, what happened to your glasses at the end of the vlog? I liked the way you experimented with the different features of iphoto throughout this vlog, especially the face morphings... Sooo, your acting skills are great! and don't think otherwise.... I still can't believe you and Jeremy worked for 13 hours straight, but the movie definitely showed your hard work.... Thanks a ton for your hard work! Without it, our movie could not have been a success..."
--( posted on Dec 20, 2010, commenting on the post Blog #15 Multimedia Blog (Final) )
"I suppose editing could be easy, but if you want to make a film as good as you made ours, then it's going to be difficult... I definitely think we 6 bosses were able to pool our ideas into one movie, and your skills in cinematography illuminated our ideas in the best way possible. Thanks for everything!"
--( posted on Dec 20, 2010, commenting on the post What do you as you leave the movie theater? )
"Well Olivia...let me start off by saying what a pleasure it was to work with you on this project...You are full of talent (both in screenwriting and acting...and apparently in vlogging as well) Yes that vacuum was soo annoying, but we managed to film the scene regardless... Sorry that you all were so cold, but there was no way around it..... Oh and I think we were all nervous when you threw the cell phone...that must be a pretty tough cell phone And I definitely think that our group goes together.... Thank you, thank you, thank you =]"
--( posted on Dec 20, 2010, commenting on the post Final Arts Vlog :) for multimedia project )
"This vlog is very cute as was your movie project!...two thumbs up!"
--( posted on Dec 20, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Multimedia Project Blog )
"But I absolutely agree with your assessment on the difficulties of making a film...."
--( posted on Dec 20, 2010, commenting on the post I am a MOVIE STAR. Therefore you care what I have to say. )
"Glad you made these realizations now and not after you've graduated film school!"
--( posted on Dec 20, 2010, commenting on the post I am a MOVIE STAR. Therefore you care what I have to say. )
"This is such a nice blog! Go team!"
--( posted on Dec 19, 2010, commenting on the post Multimedia Blog )
"I love these pictures!"
--( posted on Dec 12, 2010, commenting on the post 12/4 )
"These are great pictures!...and today was the perfect day to post them since it snowed!"
--( posted on Dec 6, 2010, commenting on the post )
"Well written and emotionally riveting!"
--( posted on Dec 5, 2010, commenting on the post Ruined. Destroyed. Damaged. )
"These are really pretty! All of the pictures have at least one object that is pink, and for most of them my eyes were drawn to that object...the sunset, the red wine, the flowers, and the red light...."
--( posted on Nov 29, 2010, commenting on the post Week of Nov. 21st )
"you inspired me to also take a picture of flowers!"
--( posted on Nov 7, 2010, commenting on the post 11.1.10-11.7.10 )
"frozen yogurt is the best! that pinkberry?"
--( posted on Nov 2, 2010, commenting on the post October 31, 2010 )
"It's so great to be able to speak many languages..."
--( posted on Oct 29, 2010, commenting on the post Private: 10-26-10 )
"This building is very beautiful for a fast food restaurant...Shows the variations across cultures... Also, it's so awesome that you have a meeting place where people could go to hang out. Reminds me of the stories I hear my parents tell from when they were kids and their friends would be outside playing in the street - they didn't need telephones to schedule playdates."
--( posted on Oct 29, 2010, commenting on the post Hellas )
"This is a great picture...Were you purposely people watching where they couldn't see you?"
--( posted on Oct 29, 2010, commenting on the post I Spy )
"That's so cool!...did you go to the photoshoot?"
--( posted on Oct 23, 2010, commenting on the post October 22nd ..DKNY photoshoot SO COOL )
"The one above it could also be a painting...are they paintings?"
--( posted on Oct 22, 2010, commenting on the post 10/13-17 )
"It's almost that time of year =]...bring on the candy!"
--( posted on Oct 16, 2010, commenting on the post )
"These are awesome pictures...nature at its best!!"
--( posted on Oct 16, 2010, commenting on the post 10/12 – 10/15 )
"The three views from your dorm room are really cool. I like how you contrast the three different times of day."
--( posted on Oct 13, 2010, commenting on the post 10/3-8 (not in order) )
"this is really pretty...perfect time of day to take this picture..."
--( posted on Oct 12, 2010, commenting on the post train station )
"Oreos are great!...and you forgot to mention the three firetrucks (or was it four) that had to come to Remson!"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post Photojournal Week #4! )
"welcome to suburbia =] and the first one is the one I'm actually going to use for snapshot NYC..."
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post snapshot nyc! )
"love all of these pics in central park!...I was there this weekend also!...Well actually I took the M96 right through the park...."
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post 10/10/10 )
"someone once got me a present from anthropologie - purple earrings and a purple jewelry box...the earrings are my favorite ones and I love the jewelry box!"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post Private: 10/7- Anthropologie )
"definitely one of my favorite shows!"
--( posted on Oct 9, 2010, commenting on the post 10/3/10 )
"these are really pretty flowers!"
--( posted on Oct 8, 2010, commenting on the post October 6, 2010 )
"ahhhhhh....yay for chemistry, i guesss...."
--( posted on Oct 8, 2010, commenting on the post 10/7/2010 )
"I have those same pink bowls...they're from target, right?...I also have the matching cups and plates =]"
--( posted on Oct 7, 2010, commenting on the post Private: 10-6-10 )
"Those binoculars really cool...and I agree with you technology is amazing..and also next time we are definitely getting dressed up and going in style =]"
--( posted on Oct 4, 2010, commenting on the post Parlez-vous français? )
"your pictures are really colorful!"
--( posted on Oct 4, 2010, commenting on the post Rest of week 3 Photojournal )
"I see me in my pink sweatshirt!"
--( posted on Oct 3, 2010, commenting on the post Arts Seminar 1 )
"so I guess these are the fruits you were busy painting..."
--( posted on Oct 2, 2010, commenting on the post September 25th- Too many fruit :} )
"I want some!!! let's have a fondue party!!!"
--( posted on Oct 2, 2010, commenting on the post 9.29.10 #31: Weird street names; #32: Fondue )
"these pictures are so beautiful!"
--( posted on Oct 1, 2010, commenting on the post September 28, 2010 )
"we have to sit somewhere, right?"
--( posted on Oct 1, 2010, commenting on the post )
"thanks...this week I'm taking pictures of as many different chairs as possible..."
--( posted on Sep 30, 2010, commenting on the post )
"thanks... we got to lincoln center and I couldn't resist!"
--( posted on Sep 30, 2010, commenting on the post )
"i loooove red mango!...and pinkberry!"
--( posted on Sep 28, 2010, commenting on the post IMG_3158 )
"I agree with your initial instinct to compare Vera and Travis. Both characters want to establish themselves in society. Vera wants to become involved with the mission and Travis wants to be famous."
--( posted on Sep 26, 2010, commenting on the post )
"Your pictures are all great!...They are really colorful and I especially like the picture of the gavel and ceramic bear."
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Week of 9/13/10 )
"I actually have never heard of the game...I happened to see the game in someone's dorm room and I loved the design on the box so I decided to take a picture..."
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post )
"I do play the piano...It's a lot of fun and it's never too late to start!"
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post )
"This is beautiful!"
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Swimming with the Fishes )
"Team Edward, of course!"
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post Team Edward or Jacob? )
"So this is what it looked like...very cool!"
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post September 12, 2010 )
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post )
"The snake is awesome...and the dream catcher is too especially because I love purple =]"
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post )
"From the very start of your blog I agreed with you...I was also soaking wet by the time I got to the theatre. It's interesting that you feel sympathy for Cal...I never really thought about the fact that Horace left money for Addie and not for him, but you're absolutely right!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Little Foxes )
"The purple font is fantastic!!!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Little Foxez )
"At first I thought it was an 11 but then someone else pointed it out to me that they were the towers... I'm so happy that my pictures led to so much discussion!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post )