Author Archives: Elizabeth Fruchter

Posts by Elizabeth Fruchter

9/21/2010--posted on Sep 25, 2010
9/20/2010--posted on Sep 25, 2010
Taxi Driver and The Metal Children--posted on Sep 20, 2010
9/19/2010--posted on Sep 19, 2010
9/18/2010--posted on Sep 19, 2010
9/17/2010--posted on Sep 17, 2010
Andy Warhol: The Last Decade--posted on Sep 17, 2010
9/16/2010--posted on Sep 16, 2010
9/16/2010--posted on Sep 16, 2010
9/15/2010--posted on Sep 15, 2010

Comments by Elizabeth Fruchter

"LOVE IT, great job carol!! the clips were so funny, i hadnt even seen some of them because they weren't in our blooper reel! it was also perfect length so i didnt lose interest. also loved the use of music. YOU ARE THE BEST EDITOR EVERRR thank god you were in our group!!"
--( posted on Dec 19, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Multimedia Project Blog )
"Wow, that video was pretty sick. Those guys have serious issues"
--( posted on Dec 5, 2010, commenting on the post Runaway~ )
"Wow, your blog was really powerful"
--( posted on Dec 5, 2010, commenting on the post Ruined. Destroyed. Damaged. )
"Wow! These trees are so beautiful, I love when the leaves turn colors! In the last picture the leaves are a beautiful red"
--( posted on Nov 30, 2010, commenting on the post Week of 11/15-11/22 )
"hahah love your opening quote! :)"
--( posted on Nov 28, 2010, commenting on the post film/political issues )
"Aww this is so adorable!!"
--( posted on Nov 28, 2010, commenting on the post )
"sooo cool!! thats so cool that they parachute onto the field"
--( posted on Nov 8, 2010, commenting on the post Images for the Week 10/31-11/6 )
"your blog was really powerful, and I completely agree that the places that are most ordinary to you are most often overlooked. I also didnt think of synagogue, or "shul" as an art form when I was writing my blog, but after reading your blog i do now"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post Blog 8: Synagogues )
"I love Michaelangelo's Pieta! And i love the way you interpret and personalize it to relate to your own religious struggles"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post Catholic Art )
"your blog was really great- i loved your opening with the dialogue between you and your sister- it really drew me in. And i agreed with the points you made in your blog, especially the confusion, and how weird it is that Lemon wants to scare the audience away instead of draw them in"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post Ralph Lemon )
"and i love ur title btw"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post Private: How can you stay in the house all day and not go anywhere? I’d rather do that than see this show. )
"the no armrests also drove me crazy!!! i kept trying to put my elbows down and lean on my hand, but i fell through the open air :("
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post Private: How can you stay in the house all day and not go anywhere? I’d rather do that than see this show. )
"Ha! I really love your ending"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post Blog #8 Community )
"Wow the quilt, and your blog, is absolutely beautiful. you are so talented for being able to make that!"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post )
"haa nice title, i love tetris"
--( posted on Oct 24, 2010, commenting on the post Food Tetris Oct 20 )
"it looks so cool!!! great job with the colors :)"
--( posted on Oct 17, 2010, commenting on the post Private: 10-17-10 )
"i love your idea of the chair series. its so funny because there are so many different chairs and we just sit on them"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post the last of the chairs )
"wow, what a collection!"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post my lesportsac collection )
"thats a really cool mask!"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post Random )
"this is such a pretty key!"
--( posted on Oct 11, 2010, commenting on the post 10/2/10 )
"Wow i didnt know about that photo series, but it sounds like an amazing cause and its the perfect social criticism for modern times when were obsessed with celebrities and body image"
--( posted on Oct 10, 2010, commenting on the post Topless in New York City )
"Thats such a cute place! Where is it? (1st and 2nd pic)"
--( posted on Oct 7, 2010, commenting on the post 10/7 )
"Wow r u in fencing?"
--( posted on Oct 6, 2010, commenting on the post Quality? )
"I love the close up of the notebooks. It looks like your work is endless!"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post September 20th- Life Is Daunting )
"The pictures of the car pile-ups are really cool"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post 9/24-27 )
"Really?? When did you go hiking?"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post 9/29-10/2 )
"You have such cool items! I love them and I love close ups of ordinary objects"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post September 27, 2010 )
"Awww pussycat! Is it your cat?"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post 10/1 )
"Wooow what is that?"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post September 26th )
"Im guessing this is not Lean Cuisine"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post Mom’s Birthday Souvlaki Oct 5 )
"double Wabs!!! she looks even cuter the second time"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Wabie Oct 2 )
"Omggg yum!! Amazing breakfast food. I love when food looks pretty- it makes you want to eat it more than if it looked blah but tasted great"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post Nanna’s Cake Sept 26 )
"Hmmm cant imagine why"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post 9/20/2010 )
"Ha no way! Woodmeres not that pretty. Its from vacation village (catskills)"
--( posted on Oct 5, 2010, commenting on the post For 9/22-9/25 2010 )
"I love how you really personalize your blog in ur writing and also how you use colored font and put in pictures and videos to make it stand out"
--( posted on Oct 4, 2010, commenting on the post Parlez-vous français? )
"I love this picture its so bright and orangey"
--( posted on Oct 3, 2010, commenting on the post Pumpkins! )
"wow i love the "in between the lines" and caterpillars pictures. theyre beautiful"
--( posted on Sep 25, 2010, commenting on the post )
"omgg i didnt realize it came back already!! im still two episodes behind..."
--( posted on Sep 25, 2010, commenting on the post GLEE Sept 21 )
"thats a cool tree- was it in central park??"
--( posted on Sep 25, 2010, commenting on the post )
"i just saw ur comment on my picture of squirrels- urs is amazing! its sitting up and looking right at u. really great shot!!"
--( posted on Sep 25, 2010, commenting on the post )
"Definitely not Team Bella. Annoying whiny little girl who doesnt deserve either of them"
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Team Edward or Jacob? )
"omg i cant believe the tornado did that to the car!!"
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Private: For 9/19-Journey down Kissena )
"wow this picture is amazing!!"
--( posted on Sep 19, 2010, commenting on the post Light )
"i love the video!! its hilarious. where can i find part 2?? (is there a part 2? i assume so bc it says part 1 in the title)"
--( posted on Sep 16, 2010, commenting on the post Little Foxez )
"I really like how you used the Pinocchio analogy in relation to Little Foxes. Your first sentence drew me in when you started to talk about Pinocchio and I wasnt sure where you were going with it or what it had to do with Little Foxes, but it really worked and made perfect sense"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post melding the pieces together )
"so cute!! she looks completely absorbed in putting stickers on your legs"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Wabie Sept 14 )
"thats such a pretty picture, where is it?"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post 9/15/10 )
"haha yay for colors! love your pens"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post 9/14/10 )
"I loved your opening sentences and the candy examples you gave for how good the play was"
--( posted on Sep 14, 2010, commenting on the post Blog #2 Little Foxes Review )
"I probably would also wanted have wanted to become a vegetarian after watching the lamb sacrifice, but it was so disturbing that I couldn't watch it at all."
--( posted on Sep 14, 2010, commenting on the post The Little Foxes Review )
"I love the tone of your blog, especially when you talk about Addy and say "she was sassy. she was wise.""
--( posted on Sep 14, 2010, commenting on the post Little Foxes Blog By Rebecca Gagliardotto )
"i love this shade of red- looks kind of like the red sleeves we all got for our laptops, but of course brighter and shinier"
--( posted on Sep 14, 2010, commenting on the post IMG_1352 )