Author Archives: nicole

Posts by nicole

--posted on Sep 19, 2010
--posted on Sep 17, 2010
--posted on Sep 16, 2010
--posted on Sep 16, 2010
--posted on Sep 15, 2010
--posted on Sep 14, 2010
--posted on Sep 13, 2010
--posted on Sep 13, 2010
--posted on Sep 2, 2010

Comments by nicole

"Wow, these are great. The third one especially reminds me of one of Levinstein's photos"
--( posted on Nov 5, 2010, commenting on the post Channeling Leon Levinstein )
"I noticed your nails, since I was sitting across from you today. They are soo pretty! I never would have guessed you did them yourself"
--( posted on Nov 1, 2010, commenting on the post Week of 10/25 )
"Those hearts are so cute!! Did you make them or did they randomly appear? And this isn't bad, mine would be much worse :P"
--( posted on Nov 1, 2010, commenting on the post October 31, 2010 )
""How can I stay in BAM and not leave?" LOL I love that line"
--( posted on Oct 19, 2010, commenting on the post Ralph Lemon )
"This is so colorful and pretty, I love it!"
--( posted on Oct 14, 2010, commenting on the post Pretty Fabrics )
"It is my sewing machine, but not underwater. I just used the aqua effect"
--( posted on Oct 3, 2010, commenting on the post )
"Did you paint those flowers yourself? they came out perfect i love it"
--( posted on Oct 1, 2010, commenting on the post 9.28.10 #29: Doing my own nails; #30: Calculator tricks ;] )
"That teapot is adorable. Every time I look at your pictures I try to guess the story behind them as they relate to your theme"
--( posted on Sep 30, 2010, commenting on the post September 27, 2010 )
"I really love that first picture, the raindrops add a nice effect to it"
--( posted on Sep 29, 2010, commenting on the post Photojournal-beginning week 3 )
"You were there too?? that's so cool, I didnt see you though =[ You must have came too late cause it got crowded pretty quickly in there and that link is way better than what was in there, mostly cause i didnt know the songs. Well, later it did get cooler cause a guy in chain mail was playing with the lightning and then playing Iron Man on the guitar with it. I hope they have it there again too, it was so fun! and no, i didnt get to see that. I also didnt get to ride jet ponies which i really wanted to =/"
--( posted on Sep 27, 2010, commenting on the post )
"your costume is beautiful!"
--( posted on Sep 27, 2010, commenting on the post 9/24/10 )
"It was! good guess"
--( posted on Sep 25, 2010, commenting on the post )
"That sundae looks so delicious, you are so lucky if you got to eat that and I really like the drawing on that banner"
--( posted on Sep 24, 2010, commenting on the post 9/18-23 )
"I love how artistic your pictures are! The caterpillar one is my favorite I love the glow effect"
--( posted on Sep 24, 2010, commenting on the post )
"I LOVE CORDUROY!!! And dunkaroos! but it's pretty strange that Corduroy and eclipse are in the self help section.."
--( posted on Sep 22, 2010, commenting on the post 9.20.10 #13 and #14: Childhood favorites )
"Your pictures are gorgeous! This one is my favorite"
--( posted on Sep 20, 2010, commenting on the post Columbia Sept 17 )
"I've always thought these trees made one giant monster-looking thing. The cloudy sky adds to the menacing look of the trees. Or maybe that's just my imagination. Either way, nice picture"
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post Center of Queens )
"Thanks guys =) My walls are actually green but I took the picture with negative so it came out that way. I'm so superstitious but I've never had a nightmare since I made this thing"
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post )
"It would be nice to sleep under that dome at night, it would be so pretty"
--( posted on Sep 17, 2010, commenting on the post undated pictures from a few days ago )
"Right now it's nothing, soda can tops crocheted together to make a belt soon. When I was making it, it curled up like a snake on my 'grass' carpet"
--( posted on Sep 16, 2010, commenting on the post )
"awww, it's a heart!"
--( posted on Sep 16, 2010, commenting on the post 9.15.10 #3: Cute shapes; #4: Blue skies )
"Haha, you can get a congratulatory cyber handshake"
--( posted on Sep 16, 2010, commenting on the post )
"wow, I guess I'm not the only one who hates gum!"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post )
"She's adorable! And I love this picture it's so colorful"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post Private: Wabie Sept 14 )
"closee! well, pretty much, man-made vs. nature"
--( posted on Sep 15, 2010, commenting on the post )
--( posted on Sep 14, 2010, commenting on the post )
"I really love this picture. The colors are so beautiful, and I like the angle"
--( posted on Sep 13, 2010, commenting on the post 9/13/10 )
"Yea, for some reason I thought it was pretty funny too. I don't know what elvs is but I'm glad it still lives =]"
--( posted on Sep 13, 2010, commenting on the post )
"I agree with your teacher's definition of a classic, but to an extent. There has to be more than just universal themes that make something a classic. The way the themes are presented has to be unique, and the book has to have the same effect on people for many generations. I think "The Indian Wants the Bronx" may become a classic years from now, but I do not think the last two plays had a timeless quality to them."
--( posted on Sep 10, 2010, commenting on the post )