Open Eyes

About 2 years ago I went to England with my family on vacation. It was as an amazing trip and I was so happy to see family friends who lived there. Yet, one of the most interesting parts of the trip was people’s reactions when I told them that I lived in New York. Most people were fascinated and impressed. They asked me about my life in manhattan, assuming that if I was from New York, I most definitely lived in the city. They were also intrigued to know how many famous people I have met and they talked to me about the politics of New York like they themselves had lived there their whole life. This was my first glimpse of realizing how prominent and instrumental New York is in lives of people all over the world.

Arts in New York City is the second time I have ever deeply thought about what it means to live in New York. Even though I have lived in New York my whole life, I didn’t think often of how special I was to live in New York, a city that is much different than any other cities around the world. Even when I lived in Long Island, I barely went to manhattan. I went perhaps two or three times every year. Now, because of Macaulay and Arts in New York City, I have traveled to the City in these past few months probably more than I have ever have in my entire life. Now I feel that I have some more significant appreciation for New York City and everything that it offers me and represents to the world.

New York City is a complex place filled with glamour and poverty, tolerance and tension, diversity and racial cliques. Every piece we viewed in class represents a piece of New York. There are so many aspects of New York that adds to it being the unique place it is. Despite every view being truthful and legitimate, I would have to say my favorite view is the one of a New York in Do The Right Thing. I witness so many racial ignorance and tension in my everyday life that I feel its a prominent part of life in New York. There are so many different races and cultures in New York, it definitely is one of the most diverse (if not the most) diverse city in the world. Yet, despite that, there are certain neighborhoods that are known to have prominently one ethnicity. The color of a persons skin still has an impact on their professions, even if people don’t like to admit it. Stereotypes are a huge part of our associations with people and groups.

My favorite work was Intríngulis, which definitely represented the tougher side of New York that makes it hard for a immigrant to live in America. It was hard to Carlo to survive as an illegal immigrant, and Carlo was able to portray this through his performance and allow everyone to empathize with him. Since New York is basically made op of people who have come from different parts of the world, immigration is a very relatable and important issue. Carlo was able to represent his hardships in a way that was entertaining but also meaningful, and for me this was the most effective work of art. Although my views on illegal immigration policies were not changed, my opinion was polarized. I give sympathy to the many people who are in the same situation as Carlo, to this very day.

Overall, I have really enjoyed this class, but more importantly looked at New York City in a way I never have before. It has opened my eyes and actually given me a sense of pride for the city I live in.

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