Look everyone, there are ants down there!…Wait they’re people?

Hey everyone, it’s a me Don Giovanni here today (parody of it’s a me Mario, of course!) Now back to the opera experience, the grandeur of the opera theater and the spectacular display of the red velvet coloring that seemed ubiquitous greatly impressed me. While I was outside of the opera building, I really enjoyed viewing the lighted-up staircases, the water fountain in the center, and all the beautiful lights that produced an incandescent environment. With such intricately resplendent style that the opera boasted, it’s no surprise why all the affluent individuals were enticed to view the opera. I also enjoyed the seemingly everlasting walk up the staircase to get into the opera theater (such good exercise!) Once inside, I was astonished by how enormous the theater was and our seats were so far away that it made everything seem microscopic (yes, just like in biology class).

All in all, the fact that us young viewers were so far apart from the characters detracted from the opera experience. For example, with the young audience being what seemed like miles away from the actors, it was impossible (unless, binoculars were utilized) to scrutinize the expressions of the characters and difficult to perceive who was actually singing or even what was going on. Moreover, at some point the opera turned into a vapid performance for me, because of the continuous singing and cliched theme. I was surprised that these actors can sing for that long, even with high-pitched voices (my the talent they possess). At first, I thought the opera would involve some exciting plot, but instead it portrayed a rather hackneyed plot of a man cheating on a woman, a whole lot of women, I should say. For me, like most people, the highlight of the opera was the incredible fire scene. That made my night. I was waiting anxiously for the moment when Don Giovanni would get punished for his sins, and indeed he got what I call an “epic punishment.” Honestly, at some point of the opera I almost fell asleep, thinking when the torture would be over. I mean the actors did a superb job singing and acting, but singing for 3 hours is definitely not my thing (that too in a different language!).

Next, I would like to discuss the setting and costumes of the characters. I felt that the setting was appropriate for opera because it fit well with the costumes the actors were wearing and the plot of the play. I really like how the houses split in the middle to reveal a new setting. From what I could make out (due to the distance away I was from the actors), the costumes suited the opera and were rather elaborately designed. I loved the mob holding the torches and the fire effects were like seeing the Fourth of July (well not really, but still fun!) In addition, as all the plays I’ve viewed, the characters seemed very involved into their role and performed wonderfully, in my opinion. However, I despised the fact that Elvira still forgave Don Giovanni after all he had done to he. I mean woman, come to your senses! Overall, I always like it when characters are really passionate about what they do and loved the fancy area I was in.

I feel that the opera was a nightmare in the aspect that Don Giovanni was betraying all these innocent women, but a fantasy, like Mehreen said, in the magnificent environment we were in with all the rich people. I just liked how there was so much color and fanciness, even though like the Anthony Caro exhibit, I felt alienated by the rich-looking people. Essentially, the opera illustrates to us the splendid region of New York and the many talented people that are part of it. Mainly, I don’t think the opera was appealing to a young opera viewer myself because I was surrounded by a group of people I wouldn’t normally be with and that it was in a different language. Continuously looking at the subtitles and then back to the play was annoying; I just wish the opera was in English. Yes, I admired the talent of these characters singing in such high voices, but the opera is not for me. I’m just glad I had the opportunity to experience the opera because it generated a new insight of the arts for me.

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Zombie Jobs 2011-___ (Sylvia 5-7)

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Sylvia 4-7

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Sylvia 3-7

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Sylvia 1-7

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Don Giovanni

I remember Professor Healey say how you can either hate or love the opera. There is no in between with an opera. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the opera experience. I expected myself to fall asleep at least once throughout, but gladly I didn’t. I can’t say the reason I stayed awake was because Don Giovanni was such an amazing opera. It was more than that. I loved the singing aspect of the opera which is what makes an opera unique from any other form of storytelling I’m familiar with. I was amazed at how high some of the notes were and how successfully the actors hit them. The set of the opera was a little dull but I found it really cool how they would move and be appropriate for the specific scenes. The costumes were also a little dull in color but somewhat appropriate for the peasants they were supposed to be.

The opera was very enjoyable even though I had some difficulty understanding what was going on. I could not see the faces of the actors. I could not tell who was singing. I could not differentiate between the characters. Having to go back and forth from watching the stage to reading the subtitles was a little annoying. I would try to read all the subtitles in one glance so I wouldn’t miss anything important. Gladly, I didn’t miss much so it wasn’t so inconvenient for me. But overall, I think the opera experience was beautiful.

I feel a little differently about Don Giovanni, the opera itself. I loved the story of the opera. I was very happy when Don Giovanni got what he deserved considering how much I despise man-whores and cheaters. That being said, the opera was not as enjoyable. The second act was so slow and went on and on compared to the first. The first one was more exciting and didn’t drag on. I understand that Elvira was hurt because she loved Don Giovanni yet confused because he betrayed her. I understand that. I do. But was it really necessary for her to sing about it for such an extensive period of time?

Honestly, I don’t believe the opera was very successful in appealing to young viewers. Tickets to the opera are just too expensive for me to go frequently. I enjoyed the opera and the singing. The Metropolitan Opera is truly beautiful as velvet is everywhere but it’s just not possible for me to attend on a regular basis or even an irregular one. Also, the people who do watch operas every other day don’t expect to see a younger audience. While waiting in line for the bathroom, I got a few dirty looks from some of the older women. I don’t think most young people want to torture themselves by watching a three-hour long performance in a different language, but there are those that enjoy operas, such as myself.  I consider the opera to be a New York fantasy because everybody gets all dressed up in their most expensive outfit and jewels. People buy the expensive drinks and mingle with the other well-dressed people. If you attend an opera, you are kind of considered part of the high-class and that’s what people want. They want to associate with the rich and it confirms their dreams to be successful and know they’ve accomplished it.


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