What I Did This Week (10/8)

  • tried to find an adviser in the film department
  • inspired by Lindsey’s research workshop to use Tumblr (found behind the scenes and promotional images, reviews, an infographic by The Guardian featuring stats about Hitchcock’s most popular works, real-time posts by Hitchcock fans in honor of Hitchcocktober, etc.)
  • setting up meeting with Joe McElhaney (Hunter’s Hitchcock expert) to run my ideas by him
  • narrowing down primary sources (novels and films)
  • met with Isabel Pindeo; helped me weed out irrelevant sources that were only confusing me and pulling my thesis in different directions
  • started using Zotero to keep my bibliography under control

One thought on “What I Did This Week (10/8)

  1. Nice thought about Tumblr–I’ve used it myself to find material. (I’d recommend everyone do this at some point, if not later this fall then in the spring.)

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