2-year-old girl hit by a truck and ignored

19 10 2011

This actually occurred a few days ago. A girl was hit by two truck, and about 20 passerbys just walked by and ignored her. Only a janitor woman came up to help her out. I am honestly reminded of the parable of the Good Samaritan (cf. Luke 10:25-37), in which the best people just ignore those that are hurt, and it’s the most humble people that help out.

Honestly, do not watch it unless you are willing to see something that gruesome… just pray for her family (the girl may still be alive, though in a very vital situation), and if you’re not a Christian, well, that’s fine too for now. Just think about who you interact with; every single life is important.

Video is here. I warned you; I didn’t bother watching the full video, so it will be an outside link. Voila.

Update: The little girl passed away a couple of days ago. Continue keeping her and her family in your prayers.



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