Asian Acronyms

Yup, this is a random site. This is where all the common Asian titles come in. It’s really quite amusing, and since I’m Asian too, I can’t really quite offend anyone, can I? xD (Not saying that you can necessarily use them publicly… it may get ugly if you’re not careful…) Some may be more familiar to you than others. That’s ok.

Here goes.

Spam sushi. Seems appropriate enough.

ABC: American-born Chinese
ASN: Always Standing Native (actually comes from ASN Clothing [sounds like Asian; commonly seen as Azn]
CIA: cute/casual/cool intelligent Asians
FoB: Fresh off boat (referring to boat of immigration)

SPAM: Super Passive Asian Males (we just don’t wanna make the first move! We want the girl to askĀ us out!) [reference to luncheon meat]

SWAG: Something we Asians got

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