Site layout

30 10 2011

I would like to take this opportunity to make sure you guys make the best out of this site while you are here. There’s a lot to talk about and a lot to update, so bear with me.

Recommended: Simple. What do I recommend to you, the audience? Of course there’s going to be bias, but as time goes on, there will be more people running this site, and there will be more variety, so stay tuned.

Asian Acronyms: phrases that stand for something. Ok, that was a terrible way of explaining things. Let me give you an example. CD = compact disc. FAQ = frequently asked questions. Etc. Only with Asian references (though some could be for various ethnicities as well).

What’s Coming Up?: self-explanatory. What events are coming up game-wise, music-wise, YouTube-wise, internationally, nationally, etc.?

Holidays! I admit, this is one of my lesser pages. It’s really sad. I cannot think straight it seems. That aside, it (will) list(s) various holidays celebrated in many Asian countries.

Forum: Discuss your opinions on various posts or just various things that are going on in general. Don’t forget to be polite and offer constructive criticism!!

Browser Issues: This is those who are unable to read any Asian languages on their computer. To better enjoy the experience of this site, there will be some Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. here and there.

What is this? I don’t need to go over that. FAQ basically. And if you don’t know what FAQ is, I just explained it before. ^^

Well, that’s basically it… for now. Stay tuned. =)



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