Breakeven – The Script

28 11 2011

Here’s another YouTube group, called Jayesslee. This group is comprised of two Korean girls from Australia named Sonia and Janice. They sing various songs and are really skilled. Sometimes I feel like I should post up my own songs or something like that, haha. Soon. Soon. I think.

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Constant unrest in the world

25 11 2011

Wow, I just saw this link and I’m really touched. I really wonder what exactly happened to this man.


Constant prayers for them would be great; if you are in the area and can go to the place that was indicated in the video, that would also be really amazing.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

24 11 2011

Have a happy Thanksgiving!! Think of all the good food and family time that you will have throughout the entire day!!!
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23 11 2011

Today’s featured music is from Younha. She is a South Korean singer. Interestingly enough, her music first made a big hit in Japan, not Korea.


The music she sings is really calming. I hope you’re calmed by whatever stress you’re going through, especially this day and age where economy is epic failing and everything is falling apart slowly but surely.


18 11 2011

Japanese instrumental music is awesome. So many remixes to these types of songs. Check ’em out. =)


Hope you liked it!! TAMusic is also known as “Try Arrange MUSIC”.

Tim Be Told – Ordinary

15 11 2011

Now this group I’m introducing to you is not only comprised of Asian people, though it is predominantly Asian-American. And yes, they are a Christian band, but don’t judge until after listening to their songs.
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Vietnamese Hip Hop Music

14 11 2011

I decided to put some Vietnamese music into the mix. I hope you like this!! It’s hip hop this time. =D


Forum update

14 11 2011

So it looks like the forum for this site has been dry… it’s ok. As a result, what I’ve done was open a forum section (the general discussion one) to the public, so anyone can write what they feel. Of course, one must follow the rules here.

I really hope you make the best use of this site!! Do tell me what issues you are having and whatever. =)

Happy Pepero Day!!

11 11 2011

Today is Pepero Day, a day to celebrate young love, much like Valentine’s Day. Pepero is a delicious cookie stick wrapped in chocolate. If you have heard of Pocky, this is basically the same, except the South Korean style. One basically gives a package of Pepero (as well as other romantic gifts) to someone he/she likes. Interesting how this holiday wasn’t even official, according to the company who created it. It was only due to a spike in the sales that made it “official”. I want one…

On a side note, happy 11/11/11 and Veteran’s Day!

I will record the holidays soon… soon…


S.M The Ballad – Miss You

9 11 2011

I really like this music video. The songs featured in this video is “Miss You” and “Hot Times.” S.M The Ballad is comprised of TRAX’s Jay, SHINee’s Jonghyun, Super Junior’s Kyuhyun, and a new member, Jino. I like their music; the group is relatively new.

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