Jackie Chan – I’ll Make a Man Out of You

8 11 2011

This song should be familiar to Disney audiences. It’s from… Mulan! Jackie Chan is singing this in Cantonese, which is awesome!!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SLJJc8siyU&w=500&h=350]

Ever wanted to learn kung fu or Cantonese? Discuss in the forum!!

Most Exciting Job EVER!!! Not.

3 11 2011

Well, this is what we Asians have to go through, the stereotype that parents want us to become successful lawyers, doctors, and engineers. It’s true too; regardless, it’s a lot of work and pressure when one constantly hears of that. Ah well. This is a funny, yet real take on an Asian parent by kevjumba, a really cool Youtube person, just like The Jubilee Project and Wong Fu Productions.
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