Most Exciting Job EVER!!! Not.

3 11 2011

Well, this is what we Asians have to go through, the stereotype that parents want us to become successful lawyers, doctors, and engineers. It’s true too; regardless, it’s a lot of work and pressure when one constantly hears of that. Ah well. This is a funny, yet real take on an Asian parent by kevjumba, a really cool Youtube person, just like The Jubilee Project and Wong Fu Productions.


Now, don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind computer stuff either. My parents have some pretty neat jobs too, even though they’re not doctors. I actually wouldn’t mind working something similar to what they did.

About kevjumba. His humor is good on occasion, but I’ll be honest: it can be somewhat dry. I really like his mini-series where he has interactions with his dad, such as “What we HATE about each other” and “My Dad is Asian.” In fact, I’ll show you the video right here, since it has the word Asian in it. =P Ok, warning, the following video is exaggerated of course. Some are still accurate though. D:




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