Happy new year!!!

23 01 2012

Happy new year to you Chinese, Korean, Filipino, and whatever Asians there are out there!! Hope you Chinese got your moneyyy!! Haha. Get out there and enjoy it!! =) If you failed in your New Year’s Resolutions, we have a chance to redeem it!! How was your new year?

Anyhow, in honor of the new year, there is a video I want to post up that I found. Some things you should ponder. Give your parents some love. =)


Insane… Free Parking!

18 01 2012

This is located in Chang Ai St. in China. Even though you may not understand what the people are saying, it’s all about the action for this one. In other words… they’re providing extra commentary, haha. For the action, go to around 0:39. Everything will be made clear after you finish.


I have never seen something so crazy before…

Be the Change

10 01 2012

Be the change. Three powerful words. One phrase with a lot of impact. Check out this new video from The Jubilee Project. You’ll see many familiar faces, including Ted and Phil from Wong Fu Productions, Jayesslee, and David Choi.


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Skills in Taekwondo in Korea!

31 12 2011

Oh wow, these guys are beast in taekwondo (태권도)!! I want to do something like that…

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Who wants more space?

18 12 2011

Gary Chang is an architect from Hong Kong. It’s amazing what he does. His small apartment (330 ft2) becomes one similar to that of a mansion: there are 24 rooms, with sliding walls and whatnot. And the best part? It’s eco-friendly!


So… who wants to hire him? If I could have that much money, I think hiring him won’t be a bad idea. =P

Behind the Scenes of Home

15 12 2011


By the way, I found the location of the shop where this video was filmed by Wong Fu Productions. It’s called 南華茶室, and the address is 13 Doyers St. in NY. If anything, I’ll see if I can say hi to the owner of the place… maybe, haha. It’s a really good restaurant apparently; I’m excited to go now… the question is when….

Home: Word – Magnetic North & Taiyo Na

8 12 2011

It’s finally out! Wong Fu Productions uploaded it! A music video!!


This is one of the more recent vids by Wong Fu that I’m really impressed by what they did. This would have tied in real great with Thanksgiving, but it does remind us of the importance of family, which also ties in with Christmas. Read the rest of this entry »

Constant unrest in the world

25 11 2011

Wow, I just saw this link and I’m really touched. I really wonder what exactly happened to this man.


Constant prayers for them would be great; if you are in the area and can go to the place that was indicated in the video, that would also be really amazing.

S.M The Ballad – Miss You

9 11 2011

I really like this music video. The songs featured in this video is “Miss You” and “Hot Times.” S.M The Ballad is comprised of TRAX’s Jay, SHINee’s Jonghyun, Super Junior’s Kyuhyun, and a new member, Jino. I like their music; the group is relatively new.

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Most Exciting Job EVER!!! Not.

3 11 2011

Well, this is what we Asians have to go through, the stereotype that parents want us to become successful lawyers, doctors, and engineers. It’s true too; regardless, it’s a lot of work and pressure when one constantly hears of that. Ah well. This is a funny, yet real take on an Asian parent by kevjumba, a really cool Youtube person, just like The Jubilee Project and Wong Fu Productions.
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