Technology Ruins Romance

1 10 2011

Well, recall how I said that Wong Fu Productions was a cool group? First you had an exposure to one of the more serious vids they produce; now come prepared for a very amusing one.
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Secret film

28 09 2011

Just so there’s no confusion, the movie is called Secret (不能說的秘密). It is a Taiwanese drama starring Jay Chou (周杰倫) and Kwai Lun-mei (桂綸鎂). Below is the first part. Read the rest of this entry »

New Heights releases new music vid, featuring Clara C

27 09 2011

New Heights recently released a music video, called Take Me On. This new song features Clara C, and you may hear this song again if you manage to go to one of Clara C’s concerts.


I think it was pretty cool. What do you think?


27 09 2011

This is one of the more recent videos produced by Wong Fu Productions. This one in particular is called “SHELL.” Read the rest of this entry »

Blind Asian Plays Beast in Piano!

23 09 2011

The following video will show you just how amazing Asians, and even people in general, can be if their hearts are set on it.
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Sukima Switch!

21 09 2011

Sukima Switch is an awesome Japanese artist who has performed for at least two popular animé out there. One is from Pokémon (specifically the ending of the 13th movie); the other is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

The one directly below is called Ice Cream Syndrome, Read the rest of this entry »

An infamous video by the Jubilee Project

20 09 2011

Well, here’s another music video, called Love Language, featuring the artist New Heights and the song “Peaches.” A little background info on The Jubilee Project: they are a group of guys who, on their spare time, create Youtube videos for good causes such as for helping Japan, raise awareness about bullies, awareness for hepatitis, and awareness of the severity of HIV.
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Another cool song

18 09 2011

This is a really sad yet touching song to check out. It’s called “Tong Hua” by Guang Liang.

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Taeyang Wedding Dress

17 09 2011

Old song, yeah, yeah… just want to expose various people to different sorts of music. Here’s a Korean pop song, which is really cool. This is by Taeyang.


I hope you enjoy this!!! I’ll try to post more videos/songs when I have time.

Autumn Moon Festival!! (中秋节)

13 09 2011

Awesome holiday to start up this blog. =) Autumn Moon Festival is a very popular Chinese festival where the specialty food is none other than moon cakes. There’s actually an event going on this Saturday night at the Chinese Scholar’s Garden, so look forward to it!