Behind the Scenes of Home

15 12 2011


By the way, I found the location of the shop where this video was filmed by Wong Fu Productions. It’s called 南華茶室, and the address is 13 Doyers St. in NY. If anything, I’ll see if I can say hi to the owner of the place… maybe, haha. It’s a really good restaurant apparently; I’m excited to go now… the question is when….

Green is Universal!

8 12 2011

Ok, nothing Asian this time around, but, this is a really cool link I found. This link is amazing because just by simply clicking “insta-tree,” another tree is planted! Although only up to a maximum of 1,000,000 may be planted, it’s still something. The beauty is that you can click it as many times as you want! You’ve been warned though, it is a bit laggy if you press it 20 times in a row or more… hehe…

On a side note, there’s a sweepstakes… but I’m not really interested so read it yourself and go participate if you want. One less competition to worry about, haha.

Home: Word – Magnetic North & Taiyo Na

8 12 2011

It’s finally out! Wong Fu Productions uploaded it! A music video!!


This is one of the more recent vids by Wong Fu that I’m really impressed by what they did. This would have tied in real great with Thanksgiving, but it does remind us of the importance of family, which also ties in with Christmas. Read the rest of this entry »

ASN Clothing opens site to pre-orders December 9th!

3 12 2011

I’m so hype for this. I’m not sure whether I should order this time around or not… I bought two last time. Hmm…

Four options as usual. The first three are familiar, and the ones on the left were there in the last installment, but the last one is definitely new. It’s… The Year of the Dragon 2012!!!

Once again, a week to order.

Page updates

3 12 2011


I’ve updated the “Recommended” page as well as the “What’s coming up?” page. For the “Recommended” page, I’ve added a section to include video games. For the “What’s coming up?” page, I have added many events as well as links as sources.

I hope you like everything that’s going on and sorry for making you guys wait for these changes! I hope things will be finished and settle down in a month when finals are over, haha.

Breakeven – The Script

28 11 2011

Here’s another YouTube group, called Jayesslee. This group is comprised of two Korean girls from Australia named Sonia and Janice. They sing various songs and are really skilled. Sometimes I feel like I should post up my own songs or something like that, haha. Soon. Soon. I think.

Read the rest of this entry »

Constant unrest in the world

25 11 2011

Wow, I just saw this link and I’m really touched. I really wonder what exactly happened to this man.


Constant prayers for them would be great; if you are in the area and can go to the place that was indicated in the video, that would also be really amazing.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

24 11 2011

Have a happy Thanksgiving!! Think of all the good food and family time that you will have throughout the entire day!!!
Read the rest of this entry »


23 11 2011

Today’s featured music is from Younha. She is a South Korean singer. Interestingly enough, her music first made a big hit in Japan, not Korea.


The music she sings is really calming. I hope you’re calmed by whatever stress you’re going through, especially this day and age where economy is epic failing and everything is falling apart slowly but surely.


18 11 2011

Japanese instrumental music is awesome. So many remixes to these types of songs. Check ’em out. =)


Hope you liked it!! TAMusic is also known as “Try Arrange MUSIC”.