Faculty Center for Professional Development

Faculty Center for Professional Development

The Faculty Center for Professional Development at CSI provides services and leadership relevant to teaching, learning and scholarship. We are similar to other CTLs at…

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Mobile Information Literacy

Mobile Information Literacy

Library Instruction on mobile or handheld devices [Smartphones-iPads]

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Mobile Library Tour

Mobile Library Tour

Online Tutorial introducing students to library services

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Web Comics

Web Comics

Comics developed with Art Department to creatively promote responsible use of library resources

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Business Intelligence On Demand

Business Intelligence On Demand

Offering a large portfolio of daily generated business intelligence reports and dashboards, this project allows college management to monitor registration activity, student headcount, and student…

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iPads in teaching and learning

iPads in teaching and learning

Uses of iPads in teaching.

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Igniting E-portfoliios

Igniting E-portfoliios


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Kingsborough Cener for Advanced Technology Training

Kingsborough Cener for Advanced Technology Training

The Kingsborough Center for Advanced Technology Training (KCATT) assists faculty members of CUNY Kingsborough Community College in areas such as digital production design, software training…

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