Circa (Heels and All)

Watching this ensemble’s whole act,as opposed to the tidbits we witnessed, emphasizes more of the dance elements engrained in their performance. The group no longer seems just a novelty act.

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About profjudell

Lecturer, author, reviewer, Rate My Professors: Highest Rated University Professors of 2009-2010 (, Bread Machine Owner

5 thoughts on “Circa (Heels and All)

  1. They’re amazingly talented. I can’t even imagine the amount of practice, training, and strength that goes into this. It was much more interesting to watch as an entire act and not just pieces because there weren’t any abrupt switches between acts

  2. I also really enjoyed the music they chose, I’m listening to some of it on youtube right now. Watching it again and really listening, the song during the heels act makes it so much more engaging because you can picture the story of it all, the song being about the woman, especially at the end when she walks off and “leaves it all behind”

  3. This had to be my most FAVORITE dance of the night. The music and the dance worked so well together it was almost like storytelling (if movies worked as well, I would watch them more often ‘-__-). I especially loved the opening act with the heels and the hula hoop trick. I love heels (and my brothers happen to know how painful they can be–joking! ^__^). I cringed every time the guy was stepped on; it looked really painful so I commend him for not crying out. The heel act really made me think about Turandot and the whole feminism theme explored in it. I could help but think that was something Turandot (and maybe every other hardcore feminist) wouldn’t mind doing to a man, having him at her (painfully sharp) feet and subject to her will.
    As for the hula hoop trick, I can only say one thing: AMAZING!! I would LOVE to be able to do that. XD

  4. I also felt that the female dancers in Circa were REALLY strong, that or the male dancers were REALLY light. I couldn’t imagine carrying a full grown man, standing up, on my shoulders–ouch? ‘@_@

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