Not in My Living Room!

Richard Phillips‘s huge paeans to the female form were featured at the Gagosian Gallery.  He has written: “When we can’t determine what art is—when we get to that point where we’re not sure, that’s the strongest likelihood that we’re experiencing something great.”

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About profjudell

Lecturer, author, reviewer, Rate My Professors: Highest Rated University Professors of 2009-2010 (, Bread Machine Owner

2 thoughts on “Not in My Living Room!

  1. I feel as if there’s so much more to focus on in these paintings than just “the female form.” Professor Judell asked Wei if she thought it would be weird if he had one of these in his home; honestly I don’t think it would be weird at all. The faces in these paintings have so much to them, and they elevate the works to a new level. I especially liked the wall with Lindsay and Black Waves (picture 14) because the mysteriousness of the dark, engulfing scene on the right plays off Lindsay’s facial expression which to me seems to be mixing some anger and confusion, and a feeling of being lost (reflective of her life currently??).–september-11-2012/exhibition-images

  2. I also found the video that was in this gallery that James had mentioned, and I really enjoyed that too. Again, it mixes and hints at so many different feelings and humanizes LiLo away from that idea of a tragic, hopeless celebrity. The music also makes the whole thing very eerie, adding to that idea that there’s more than meets the eye.

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