Self-Realization Part 2!

I was in the subway this morning sitting bored Hence, eventually, I dazed off onto a nap. Surprisingly, I had a “day-mare” involving art! I was at game show versing Mohammed in an art contest of who can create the most intricate yet an aesthetic piece of art. Mohammed looked down at me and it was so intimidating that I dazed off! TIme was up and Mohammed won the contest! I woke up not only from the daze but from the dream. I realize, focus is an essence when not just creating art but also of neglecting your “enemies.” (P.S. Wish I realized this during the contest!)

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About sagg110

I love to play various sports such as: basketball and volleyball. I have a great sociable personality and always like to see thriller and action movies (i.e. Dark Knight and etc.).

One thought on “Self-Realization Part 2!

  1. Elaborate. I liked the part where you said i was intimidating and I won. And people are probably reading this and are very confused, but tomorrow’s presentation should clear things up I guess.

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