Sometimes you just gotta let it go…

Let It Go-Zac Brown Band

Remember a few weeks back when Professor made fun of country music for being about riding trucks and drinking beer? With the exception of the opening of this song (“spent the night with a friend of mine and a handle of good whiskey”) this song has a pretty deep meaning. It reminds us to “keep our hearts above our heads and our eyes wide open” and to “save our strength for things that we can change, forgive the ones we can’t, we gotta let it go.” These are my favorite lyrics because it reminds me to keep my cool sometimes.



Does the country/folk aspect of the song make it terrible?

4 thoughts on “Sometimes you just gotta let it go…

  1. When it comes to music, i usually look at the meaning aspect of it. If the music doesn’t have a good message to get across then I’d most probably not listen to it (Unless it’s catchy in some way). I usually listen to rap music that has meaning, even if the person rapping isn’t playing the good background music. I don’t think that the country aspect affects it in any way. As long as it gots a deep meaning, it usually appeals to me.

    • Try supplying some examples and lyrics. It’s hard to believe you’ll listen to “bad” music with a good message as opposed to “good” music with no message. And what is a rap song with a good message? Share one or two.

  2. I agree with Mohamed, although sometimes I do listen to electronic dance music (EDM) which do not have lyrics most of the time. I like listening to songs that have some sort of meaning to them that I can relate to. However, sometimes I listen to songs if I like the beat or the melody of the song. But getting back to the question, I don’t think that the country aspect of the song degrades it in any way. If anything, it makes the song even more meaningful because of the way that it is sang.

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