Pseudo-Rorschach Test?

Minotaur riding on a steed


Hey all, just wanted to share one of the pieces I made on the computer. In the program I used, I set the “pull shape” function to random. Even though I’m unaware of what shape will come out next as I’m drawing, it’s up to me to decide where on the canvas to draw, the stroke size, and the amount of pressure to use.

Though I was aiming for a minotaur after seeing a general shape, people may think it’s something completely different because of how they perceive the image. It sort of looks like a zoom in of a squirrel’s face or even looking up at a dog from below. Now I’m seeing a creature crouched down and the darker bits make up its shadow.

I really need a break from studying.

Éponine, the Liu of Les Miserables

To be honest, I feel like Éponine is a much more dynamic character than Cosette. Though I like her character, I feel like Éponine has more substance than Cosette. And like I said in the title, she’s basically the Liu of Les Miserables. Plus, even though she should have hated Cosette and did everything so that Marius wouldn’t go to her, she still tells him and she sacrifices herself to prevent Marius from dying. I think to fall from grace and still being kind is a more tragic tale than rising from the ashes and being a nice person.


a feeling down billy brown by  Catliv on DA

This picture reminds me of the emotions Éponine expressed in the rain whilst singing about how Marius will never tell her the sweet words that he was singing to Cosette. 


"Pillow Talk" by CorvidAngel on DAPillow Talk by CorvidAngel on DA  

Here’s someone’s interpretation on Javert after I presume they read Les Miserables. It’s an acrylic portrait on canvas board. I find it to be quite beautiful and it sort of reminds me of a impressionist (and a slightly fauvist) painting due to the choice of colours by the artist and also the brushstrokes.


No Time For Love When There’s a Révolution


barricades are srs bsnss by tainteh on DA

Even after reading/watching such a serious scene, you can always count on someone making it light hearted and finding something comedic about it.

I was looking for some artwork about Les Miserables and stumbled upon this. I actually found this picture to be quite funny and thought I should share it with everyone else so that they could have a laugh. It completely fits Enjolras’s expression when Marius was singing of love.

Another Film About Israel

Lemon Tree. Dir. Eran Riklis.

Although this film isn’t about arabs or other groups living within Israel, if you enjoyed any of the short films that we saw today, then you may enjoy Lemon Tree. It focuses more on the conflict between Israel and Palestine by telling the story of a widowed Palestinian woman and her fight to protect her lemon grove from being torn down. While watching, you’re able to see the issue from the Palestnian perspective, which the media tends not to focus on. Overall, it’s a really good movie. Though I have relatives that are currently living in Israel, I did find myself sympathizing with the Palestinian woman. After seeing the Neve Shalom village documentary, one could only hope that the two countries could coexist and be friendly neighbours to one another.

Here’s a brief summary:

The land where no country lies

Artwork by Marie Armi

This is a work of art that represents my background. Though it may not seem like it, I am extremely diverse. It’s to the point where I don’t have a country to call “home” when asked where I’m from and America isn’t an appropriate answer. (Aren’t people so accepting?) I chose a painting about No Man’s land because it’s between two countries; it’s not quite one and not quite the other.

If it’s really crucial to know “what” I am, my family is from Germany, Poland, Austria, Guyana, India, Ireland, Barbados, The Grenadines, and an Amerindian tribe.

But because of everyone’s selectiveness, I’m often just referred to as the “black jew.” I didn’t know I had the honour of being labeled by someone else! Now I have something in common with Drake!