“Moonrise Kingdom” and being horribly picky

I think everyone in class knows how opinionated I am about movies. I mean, heck, I`m a film major, it`s my duty to care. So when I say Moonrise Kingdom is in my top 5 favorite movies, it is a huge deal. This movie is perfection. It is sweet and weird and slightly sad. To see such intense and emotional performances that I enjoy from two twelve-year-olds is a rarity. And I hate child-actors. Hate child-actors. So instead of doing that term paper, or studying for exams, use some time wisely and see this. If you hate it, you have my full permission to pinch me really hard.


Tattoos are cool things.


I kind of want this tattooed on my shoulder. Good idea?

Are tattoos ever attractive?

Would you ever consider getting a tattoo, if so, what of and where?

Can tattoos have actual emotional significance?

If Professor Judell got my face tattooed on his chest, would it look cool?



The Victoria`s Secret model is the epitome of beauty in modern society. Every year on December 4, practically every girl (and guy) in America stays up late, eagerly anticipating the sparkly bras and underfed models. The feminist in me screams: “NO GOD NO. WHAT SORT OF PERSON WOULD WATCH A SHOW PROMOTING ANOREXIA AND LOOKING SEXY ONSTAGE IN UNDERWEAR?!” But the truth is, she is pretty. Super pretty. And yes, beauty comes in all sizes and shapes. I mean, Brooke Elliot? Gorgeous.

But we shouldn`t bash the Angels. They work hard for what they do and stuff. Like 6-hours-of-cardio-a-day hard. Just because most people aren`t a size 0, doesn`t mean that we shouldn`t appreciate the ones that are. Beauty in all sizes, even reaaallllly small sizes.

Culinary Arts

It`s October, which means PUMPKIN PIE. Last October I made pumpkin pie stuffed cupcakes, which is a culinary magic trick that is as delicious as it is adorable. So why are these cute little suckers art? Because it took me 4(!!!!) hours to construct them. I made the pie crust by hand and pressed down the edges with a fork to make them pretty. I made the cake from scratch so that the batter would be a delightful fall shade of orange. Each cupcake is full of love, sweat, and tears. They are delicious.

RECIPE: http://www.themessiekitchen.com/2010/10/pumpkin-pie-stuffed-cupcakes-with.html

Soul Food: Art From NC

Nothing is more representative of southern life than a styrofoam tray full of fried chicken and fixings. Growing up in North Carolina, no social gathering is complete without a spread of cornbread, freshly killed chickens fried to a crisp, and a pot full of collards. This is the art of my homeland: to share and taste the love.

I drove by this barn everyday coming to school. It doesn`t hold anything currently (other than beer cans), but I like to think of a time when it held grain to nourish chubby cows or saws and ladders used to build a house for a traditional 4 person family unit to watch tv in between tending to the tobacco crops. This barn stands, just as the southern american dream does.


Rachel Finley