

In today’s seminar, we talked about how we judge the people around us, especially based on gender. We looked at a photo of Robert De Niro, and judged his appearance and our feelings on it. We looked  how he had scruffy facial hair, as if he knows who he is, and does’t feel the need to get all dressed up. We also examined his eyes, and how it has the “You talkin’ to me?” feel to it. But we concluded that he looks good, although if we saw a random person with his hair and scruff, we would classify them as a bum, rather than a famous actor. I realized that I do the same thing, when I see someone, I judge them based on their looks. Little do I know they could be a famous, rich musician possibly.

After this, we looked at the Mona Lisa yet again! We discussed how she was dressed nicely, sort of upper class. But after examining her appearance, especially her well kept hair and possibly silk clothes, we found that if she were to be as sloppy as Robert De Niro, we would condescend her.

Once we finished discussing how we judge the appearance, we talked about style. It made me wonder how I would define style. Personally, I feel that style is a representation of someone’s personality, and how they want them to envision them. That is in terms of dress, in terms of art, its a representation of the time they were in and they’re view on that period.

I got a lot from this lesson, we talked about other things after, but these were what I mainly extracted. From now on, I will truly look deeper into someone before judging their appearance.