Intro Page

I wish to examine either:

a) how the different artists approached the issue of meaning or
b) what sort of meanings their work has been given, or some fusion of both.

Let us define meaning:

meaning: (|ˈmēni ng |noun) what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action

Define a word with the same word, very useful.

mean:  intend to convey, indicate, or refer to (a particular thing or notion); signify

Now that’s much better, isn’t it? Now if only we could find out the meaning of life and set it in concrete lawyer-proof words. Then we could go about making an ideal society to make that meaning of life come true for everyone, etc, etc, etc. But I have now left art. That will happen often. The purpose here is simple: to find out what is behind, what urges on, the art. What the artist makes of the art, what the art is taken to represent, etc, etc, etc. Keep clicking.

Published in: Uncategorized on December 8, 2010 at12:54 am Comments (0)