Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Brooklyn College Evaluation

November 30th, 2012 · 8 Comments · Brooklyn College

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  • Yaasen Bhutta

    Yaasen Bhutta
    Gowanus Canal Podwalk Evaluation

    numerical rank: 9
    notes: Voice was clear, but intro somewhat confusing to follow, clear transitions in stops with changing speakers

    numerical rank: 9
    notes: Talks about gentrification early on, notes class differences (brownstones vs. apartment buildings from stop 1 to stop 2), shows cause and effect of gentrification (neighborhood clean-up as a cause), mentions Brooklyn items in whole foods that will be good for the neighborhood

    3. Relation to sustainability
    numerical rank: 9
    notes: Talks about social and ecological sustainability throughout, mentions economic sustainability in every stop with even more consistency, notes class differences early on, provides lots of information on pollution and future clean-up plans, mentions trade-offs of social sustainability while gaining economic and ecological sustainability

    4. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics:
    numerical rank: 7.5
    notes: Clear map, visuals were impressive, but there was not a picture for every stop on the map which would have been preferred

    5. Creativity:
    numerical rank: 8
    notes: Added nice music in the beginning and stop 5, a few humorous statements were made, and particularly dramatic music when discussing potentially ominous future for stop 5

    6. Other Noteworthy:
    numerical rank: 8
    notes: Nice background music in the podwalk at times, very informative description of toxic compounds in water, nice joke “If people are seen with shopping bags in front of Whole Foods, you need a new podwalk”

    7. Overall Strengths:
    I felt that the biggest strength of the podwalk was its incredible information. It provided great background information and stayed consistent with the theme of gentrification at all times. Jessen’s description of the toxic chemicals in water, and Rachel’s opening dialogue were filled with interesting and contextualizing knowledge that would benefit anyone who would be new to the neighborhood. I felt that changing speakers gave the podwalk more excitement and it kept me wondering who would present next. The podwalk was very well done overall.

    Overall Weaknesses:
    Although the podwalk was very informative, at times it seemed too detail-y. Particularly the beginning, where the long background occasionally left me lost and even somewhat bored. I thought that the podwalk could have used more music and more humor. Rachel’s joke, that if one saw people walking with shopping bags near Whole Foods, that they should get a new podwalk, was very entertaining and funny. The podwalk could have used a little more of that, and more creative elements overall. It was informative, but a little bland at times. However, I was still engaged throughout the piece and tour.

    Suggestion: Add more creative elements, without compromising the integrity or importance given to the thesis. A little more humor or background music would make it more enjoyable. Perhaps some “sounds of the Gowanus neighborhood”.

  • Geoffrey Mercene

    Name: Geoffrey Mercene
    Name of Podwalk I am Evaluating: Brooklyn College

    1) Clarity – 9
    Listening to the PodWalk, I was amazed of the tone of professionalism and clarity of the speaker’s voice. Literally, I was wondering if it was an actual professional speaking. Overall, I felt it was a great decision to choose the best voice actor and sticking with that person speaking throughout the PodWalk. By doing so, it made the PodWalk consistent. My only minor problem was the need for pauses when necessary. In other words, after listening to the PodWalk midway, I would have liked it a lot more if there were very slight pauses (after each sentence) to allow the listener to grasp the information presented. To solve that problem may require either redoing the entire PodWalk or do some audio editing to insert very slight pauses between sentences. I honestly think redoing the entire PodWalk would be unnecessary and time consuming (given the time period we have left), and therefore, I would still leave it as it is because the clarity and tone of professionalism does make up for that minor problem.

    2) Thesis – 7
    What I thought of the thesis was: The combination of the college’s sustainability efforts and Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC are helping surrounding neighborhoods thrive. I was not clear whether or not that was the actual thesis the PodWalk was suppose to suggest, but I based it off on the information provided in the introduction. However, if the thesis that I have mentioned was right, then there is another problem that should be noted. How exactly do the surrounding neighborhoods thrive? Definitely the PodWalk made references to the sustainability efforts and PlaNYC, but I felt a bit unsure about the reason why it was important to bring it all up in the first place. In any case, I would say to make the thesis more clear cut, and I would suggest to place it at the end to allow listeners to easily note the thesis (since the audio would end it there).

    3) Relation to sustainability – 10
    The entire PodWalk made references to sustainability, from the reduction of car gas emissions by promoting the use of bike transportation to the signs around the college that tell the faculty to turn off the lights before leaving. Typically, the references are made after the background information of each stop. With all that being said, I do not have any suggestions to improve this section.

    4) Quality of background information – 9
    The background information on the definition of sustainability and PlaNYC in the introduction was enough to keep in mind as I followed through the PodWalk. There were references made to the PlaNYC itself and the 10 year Sustainability Plan. The audio for each stop discusses the background behind the stop, and then transitions into a discussion on sustainability and the sustainable efforts being done/will be done. For instance, for the Ingersoll Hall stop, there was background information on what departments are located in the building as well as the surrounding areas around the building, such as Boylan Hall across the quad. Overall, what was great about the background information was that it was brief and concise, not rambling and lengthy. A minor issue that I wanted to still point out was whether or not adding information about where to go (especially for the Introduction and Conclusion) and directions to enter certain places such as Ingersoll Hall would be needed, since in the Interactive Guide, there were some instructions to enter these places to look around.

    5) Quality of hardcover materials, including aesthetics – 10
    The format and the coloring of the brochure were appropriate and well-fitting. The photos reflected the stops, allowing the PodWalk users to ensure that they are at the right location. The information was also clear and concise. Also, there were instructions that pointed out to certain details that PodWalk users needed to know. For instance, for the bike rack stop, there was a note to pay attention to the location of the bike rack. This allowed PodWalk users to wonder why the location plays a major role in sustainable efforts around the college (and the answer to this is in the PodWalk itself).

    6) Creativity – 7
    For the interactive guide and map, I had no issues with the creativity. What I am referring to is the PodWalk. While the PodWalk was clear and amazing, as mentioned in the section on “Clarity,” I felt it could have been a bit more creative. To me, the only creative audio stop was the one on SUBO, since the speaker was not speaking the entire time and there were some sound effects. The first sound effect was appropriate because it created some transition to a new stop, but in that same audio, I think the second sound effect (the one after the interview) was unnecessary because I assumed that the audio would discuss a new topic after the sound effect was done. Therefore, I would suggest to either eliminate the sound effect after the interview or to replace it with another sound effect. In addition, I would suggest adding sound effects to the other stops. That way, the PodWalk would be consistent and there would be some sort of transition from one stop to the next. For example, maybe the sound of bike bells in the beginning of the bike rack stop to start it off?

    7) Other noteworthy aspect – 9
    Two noteworthy aspects I wanted to point out: the incorporation of an interview and the PodWalk stops. Incorporating the interview into the audio (the one in the SUBO stop) was a great idea because it introduced a new voice into the PodWalk and provided a perspective of a person of a certain field to discuss the sustainable efforts being done at Brooklyn College. As for the PodWalk stops, the last two stops (the garden and the plant) were excellent choices, mainly because they are located in an area where I do not visit often (or rather, an area I would not even bother exploring at all). I was actually excited to go to the last stops because I never knew there was a garden beyond the parking lot behind the West Quad Building nor did I knew that there was a plant behind the West End Building. This made me interested in listening to the PodWalk closely to know the background importance of those two areas.

    Overall Strengths
    The quality of the PodWalk was great. The voice was clear, the information was concise and to the point. There was a sense of consistency of information presented, in which the speaker began with the background information followed by the stop’s significance in sustainability and relation to PlaNYC. The hardcopy map and interactive guide provided the information that I needed, from the directions to the photos to ensure that I am in the right location. Background information was enough to provide a general overview of each stop, what sustainability is, and what PlaNYC is. Incorporation of the interview in the SUBO stop was creative and appropriate. In addition, the number of stops was sufficient and not overwhelming.

    Overall Weaknesses
    The thesis needed to be a bit clearer. There were minor problems here and there, but not enough to significantly affect the overall PodWalk. For instance, the speaker could have paused for a bit when necessary (whether it’s after a comma or completing a sentence). There is room for creativity in the PodWalk. The audio on SUBO was the most creative stop compared to the rest of the stops. What made that PodWalk stop creative was the incorporation of an interview and the use of sound effects. Therefore, that level of creativity could be applied to the rest of the stops.

    Definitely the last two stops on the PodWalk were interesting to me. I would never have expected to know that there is a plant and garden located behind the West Quad building. After all, what reason would a student have to walk beyond the parking lot behind the West Quad (aside from exiting there and/or parking there, but even so, most students do not generally go around that area)? Some of the sustainable efforts around Brooklyn College also surprised me, or rather, I did not expect some of the efforts to be quite significant. For instance, I knew the bike racks were significant in a sense that they promoted students to bike to college. However, looking at a bigger picture, there is more being done to continue the promotion of bike riding to college in order to reduce car gas emissions. Furthermore, another surprising fact about the college was the use of natural gas in the plant.

    I think the most important thing that could be revised is the creativity in the audio. I have mentioned it a couple of times around my evaluation, but in general, there is definitely space for some creativity, whether it is a new voice to speak or sound effects. Personally, I would try and see if sound effects to transition from one stop to the next (or using appropriate sound effects that match the stop’s setting) would enhance the PodWalk experience.

    Overall, a great job on the PodWalk and I enjoyed the experience of exploring around Brooklyn College!

  • Suki Tsang

    Name: Suki Tsang
    Group Being Evaluated: Brooklyn College

    1) Clarity: 9
    The podcast was very clear in terms of voice, there were almost no mistakes or stuttering in the audio, which probably meant that it was recorded a couple of times, or the mistakes were edited it out so that’s a great effort on your parts! The audio was clear, and the background noise was either minimal or nonexistent so good job with that! But at the same time, the audio did go a little too quickly, so it would be nice if the information given was more concise, and the speaker spoke slower- that way people listening to this podcast could absorb more information. It was a little difficult to retain all the statistics and quotes, since it was read pretty quickly.

    2) Thesis: 6
    I wasn’t exactly sure what the thesis was. From the introduction, I believed that the thesis was that PlaNYC was helping Brooklyn College in becoming more sustainable, and that Brooklyn College was abiding by these environmentally sustainable policies, which made the campus more “green”. But at the end of the podcast, during the conclusion, the speaker made it a question of whether or not the college was actually sustainable. Thus, if the thesis is questioning the validity of Brooklyn College’s motives for environmental sustainability, there should be a couple of sentences dedicated to that in the introduction.

    3) Relation to sustainability: 8
    Great definition of sustainability and the explanation of the three pillars! It was important for the podcast to start out with this since the whole entire walk was based on these pillars. I noticed that the podcast did relate mostly to environmental sustainability, but the introduction did state that in order for sustainability to occur, there should be a harmony between the three pillars, and so I think it would be justified to include some aspects of the other two pillars, even though the focus is on environmental. For example, maybe you could include how environmental sustainability will impact social/economic sustainability or vice versa, right in the intro, instead of scattered throughout the podcast- that way people could have a sense of what the other two pillars are.

    4) Quality of Background information: 7
    The history was very interesting, but it did not exactly fit into the introduction of whether or not Brooklyn College is sustainable. It was interesting to hear that Brooklyn College was once in Borough Hall and that circuses would use the land, and then Brooklyn College moved to its current location, but that serves no real purpose in getting insight on Brooklyn College’s environment issues. To make these facts relevant, maybe there could be some statistics on how the environment of Brooklyn College was in contrast to how it is now. Or maybe if there is some reasoning as to why Brooklyn College campus was changed, and if that had anything to do with the sustainability?

    5) Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics: 9
    Very creative brochures and maps! The colors were really interesting, and more importantly the questions that were asked on the interactive guide really got me to think about Brooklyn College as a more sustainable area (or in some cases a not so sustainable area). What I thought was weird was the map that had a note at the bottom that said, “This map is outdated.” I wasn’t really sure what that meant.

    6) Creativity: 7
    The stop for Subo was great because there was interesting music and a nice interview that went along with it, so that it wasn’t just one voice the whole time, and this should be implemented on all the stops- at least music playing between stops would be good. Also personally, I have a really short attention span, so it was kind of boring to hear only one person talk, maybe having two people alternate the stops would be a little bit better, but don’t get me wrong, the stops were extremely clear and informative!

    7) Other noteworthy aspects
    Information that related to the Stops: 8
    There was a lot of information that was said during each stop, but a majority of that information did not exactly relate to the building itself, it was mostly statistics or more information about sustainability, and that threw me off because I wasn’t sure if those statistics or information related to the building directly, or if it was just a parallel. Also there were a lot of small details that were thrown into the podcast without much explanation. For example, LEED buildings should be explained, because that could throw some visitors off. What does LEED stand for etc? Also LEED silver/gold standards and certifications were ambiguous. Gold is obviously better than silver, but what were the requirements to meet the gold certifications that the silver standard didn’t have.

    It was also important to note that a lot of the information was based off of different campuses and their sustainability efforts. I wasn’t so sure why Skidmore College and Gettysburg College related to Brooklyn College’s sustainability. I get that these campuses all draw parallels in their way for getting the student body to participate and have the campus go green, but there should be more of a focus on Brooklyn College and less of a focus elsewhere.

    Overall Strengths:
    This podcast was very clear in expressing that Brooklyn College has plans for environmental sustainability. The buildings all had different agendas for environmental sustainability, and it was very clear which buildings had a positive impact and which ones had the negative impact. Also it was very interesting that there was an inclusion of interviews and other people’s perspective of Brooklyn College’s sustainability, it made the podcast more valid to hear facts come from people who have expertise in the field. Lastly, the overall definition of sustainability was on target. The podcast was able to take a very abstract and vague topic of “sustainability” and turn it into something simple and tangible in just a definition. It was great that this whole theme of sustainability was broken down into the three pillars.

    Overall Weaknesses:
    I personally think there was just so much information, but so little time to process it. What I mean is that maybe the information could be condensed and some unnecessary facts could be spliced out, and then music could be added to each stop so that the visitor could process the information, and refresh himself or herself. It’s difficult to listen to the whole podcast because the information was very dense.

    I’ve learned that Brooklyn College has had many progressions in being green and taking initiatives to educate their students on environmental protection and conservation. But I also learned that while some parts of Brooklyn College is dedicated to these goals (like the LEED certified buildings, Ingersoll Hall etc.) some parts of the college are unaware and unattached to these goals (like West Quad).

    I think that the podwalk would be enhanced if there were bits of music added between stops, and also I’m not sure if this just happened with the Eportfolio website, but I think the podwalk would be better off as one whole file, and not one file for each of the eight stops.

  • cli23

    Christine Li
    Evaluation of Brooklyn College Podcast

    Ranking and Notes:
    1. Clarity
    Numerical Number: 10
    Notes: words were spoken clearly and easy to understand, effectively paced the speed of the audio, good tone of voice that isn’t monotone, has occasional variation in volume

    2. Thesis
    Numerical Number: 7
    Notes: unclear about the actual thesis of the podcast, is it focused on the sustainability efforts at Brooklyn College in relation to PlaNYC or is it on the benefits/effects of these efforts on the surrounding neighborhoods

    3. Relation to sustainability
    Numerical Number: 9
    Notes: overall the podcast supported the theme as elements of sustainability like turning off the lights or promoting the use of bicycles were mention in all the stops but I think some areas, for instance with the recycling in SUBO, need elaboration for clarity and connection to PlaNYC

    4. Quality of background information
    Numerical Number: 9
    Notes: defined the terms like sustainability in layman terms that are easy to understand, background information about the site was informative, pinpointed facts that would be of interest to the listener (i.e. the previous use of the land that BC is on now)

    5. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics
    Numerical Number: 9
    Notes: pictures and color scheme of the materials are visually appealing, directions for the map around campus are easy to follow, interactive guide provides thoughtful questions for the listener to ponder as they walk around

    6. Creativity
    Numerical Number: 7
    Notes: add some elements of sound into the audio to help keep the listener interested- without it some parts of the audio seem to go on and on which can lost the interest of the readers, sound effects weren’t evenly distributed and concentrated solely within the SUBO audio

    7. Other noteworthy aspects- Choice of stop locations
    Numerical Number: 9
    Notes: chose stops that were able to directly relate to the theme of sustainability, chose stops that were interesting and different from each other – for instance the garden vs SUBO- this helps to ensure that the listener has at least one stop that they can look forward to and avoids repetition

    Overall Strengths:
    One of the main strengths of the podcast is the quality of the audio- in terms of tone, pacing and clarity. The words were spoken clearly in layman terms thereby making it easy to understand. There was variation in the tone and some in volume that prevented the audio from being boring and monotone. The speaker also effectively paced himself to ensure that he wasn’t speaking too fast or slow. After all, if it were too fast the listener wouldn’t be able to keep up and if it was too slow the listener will get bored. Another strength of the podcast is that it had a strong and informative introduction. Essential terms like sustainability were introduced and explained early on. In addition, the speaker didn’t explain the entire PlaNYC and only included key parts of it that directly related to Brooklyn College. Another plus of the podcast is the use of examples- whether it’s listing the types of sustainability clubs in Brooklyn College, comparison of sustainability efforts in other college campus or an interview audio clip, to support their points. These examples help to provide not only clarity but also further elaboration on their statements.

    Overall Weaknesses:
    One weakness of the podcast is that it had a strong initial introduction with defining the necessary terms like “sustainability” but then it started to trail off and get a little confusing. While listening to the podcast, I was unsure what your thesis as you started to branch off into a variety of topics- history, PlaNYC and the surrounding neighborhoods. Another weakness is that there’s uneven elaboration or focus on some of their statements. For instance, in the stop for the bike racks they effectively explain how it contributes to an alternate form of transportation and current efforts of the campus to improve on it. However, for instance the stop of SUBO on recycling- it’s just briefly mentioned in a sentence that the recycling process is different in this building but it isn’t mentioned how. In addition, even if the difference in the process was mentioned the listener wouldn’t be able to make a comparison because the “normal process” for recycling isn’t mentioned either. Another example is for the garden stop. It’s mentioned that the garden has multiple uses but doesn’t elaborate and focuses mainly on compost. It doesn’t deal with the question of what’s grown there and what’s done with them. Also for the first stop at the performing arts center, it might be noteworthy to define what a LEED certified building is since it’s mentioned so many times. Another weakness is that there’s some lack of coordination between the podcast and the interactive guide. For instance, on the interactive guide a question for stop 1 was “why do you think this location was chosen for the PAC?” but it wasn’t answered in the podcast. When I saw the question I was curious about the answer and expected the podcast to elaborate on it. Another weakness is the uneven distribution of sound effects in the audio as it was mainly concentrated in the SUBO stop. I think the addition of the occasional sound effects can help keep the listener interested and ensure that it’s not just a huge block of words.

    Outcome: What was the most important and/or most interesting thing you learned by doing the podcast?
    A noteworthy thing I learned is the historic background about the current location that Brooklyn College is on. It was interesting to find out that the campus ground was originally used for circuses. Another interesting aspect is the presence of the different types of sustainability clubs on campus and their efforts/objectives. For example Brooklyn College Coffee sells direct trade coffee and Students for Global Justice had two 14-day brigades. The most important thing I learned from the podcast is the efforts of Brooklyn College to increase sustainability on campus, especially since the majority of these efforts aren’t easily noticeable without pointing them out. One particular place of interest is for the bike racks, I was surprised at the different ways in which the campus has tried to encourage other forms of transportation and their collaboration with groups like the MTA.

    Suggestion: What’s the most important thing the group could revise to make this a better podcast?
    One thing that the group could revise is to work on the creativity aspect of the podcast and add in additional sound elements- whether it’s music or sound effects. I think this will help keep the interest of the listener as without it some of the stops seem to just go on an on. It can also give the listener a break to process the information. Another revision is to make the thesis to the listener clearer and not just continuing to providing information one after the other, which can make it seem as though you are just going on a tangent.

  • Connie Lui

    Name: Connie Lui
    Name of Pod Walk You Are Evaluating: Brooklyn College

    1. Clarity:
    a. Numerical rank: 9
    b. Notes: The podcast was extremely clear. The speaker didn’t make any mistakes or even stutter throughout the whole audio. I understood every single word he said. I like how the information is presented clearly to me but I also felt like information was given to me too fast. After one stop, we would immediately be given information about the next stop. There’s no transition between the stops and I think it would be clearer to the listener if there were transitions inserted between the stops so they know what to expect next or have time to process the information of the given stop.
    2. Thesis:
    a. Numerical rank: 7
    b. Notes: I think the thesis could have been clearer. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to focus on how the neighborhood thrives from Brooklyn College or if you wanted to focus on PlanNYC in relations to how it affects Brooklyn College. Also I think the thesis wasn’t consistent throughout the PodWalk. You summarize with if Brooklyn College is truly sustainable and question what they’re doing which could be a whole new thesis on it’s own.
    3. Relation to sustainability:
    a. Numerical rank: 9
    b. Notes: You do a good job of explaining sustainability in general right in the beginning. You also do a good job of relating how Brooklyn College is related to sustainability and the parts of sustainability you plan to focus on in relations to Brooklyn College. All your stops relate to sustainability and you do a nice job explaining your points.
    4. Quality of background information:
    a. Numerical rank: 8.5
    b. Notes: You give a lot of good information throughout the podcast and in the presentation as well. I think some of your stops can be more concise though and you might want to think about whether the information is really necessary for each specific stop since some of your stops seemed to have too much information. Is all the information really necessary? Also in the introduction you give information on multiple things, which confused me on what the thesis is so you might want to choose to focus on just one topic.
    5. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics:
    a. Numerical rank: 10
    b. Notes: I liked the way the brochures looked. Everything was nicely organized and it was aesthetically pleasing as well. I like the pictures that were used. Everything on the brochures was easy to understand and there were clear directions on them. I especially like the outline of the interactive guide.
    6. Creativity:
    a. Numerical rank: 8
    b. Notes: I really liked how the brochures and presentation looked. With the podcast however, I felt like there could have been more creativity on its part. It’s extremely clear but it could be boring for the listener to keep listening to the same voice without any change in the audio. I think it might be better if you add some background or transition sounds between your other stops like what you did in the middle of the SUBO stop.
    7. Other noteworthy aspects:
    a. Interview
    i. Numerical rank: 10
    ii. Notes: I like how you added the interview in the middle of your SUBO stop. It changes things a little and is a great source of outside information.
    b. Stops
    i. Numerical rank: 10
    ii. Notes: I liked each and every stop you picked for the podcast. They were all relevant to sustainability and I learned a lot from each stop. There were some things about each stop that I never heard about so I learned a lot about the school by listening to this podcast.

    Overall Strengths: Your presentation and podcast contain a great deal of interesting information and you do a good job of relating everything to sustainability. I can clearly see the relationship between your stops and sustainability. Your podcast was nice and clear so it was easy to absorb all the information you were trying to convey. The map and interactive guide that you made was also information and easy to understand.

    Overall Weaknesses: Your main weakness lies in your thesis. There’s no clear thesis throughout your presentation and you seem to have three topics you slightly touch upon. It would be better if you focus on one thing and go into more detail about that one thing. In the introduction you talk about PlaNYC and how the community benefits from Brooklyn College yet in the conclusion you seem to question whether or not Brooklyn College is sustainable. I feel like your conclusion should revolve more around your thesis. If you’re going to focus mostly on PlaNYC and the community then I think you should make one of them your main thesis and just briefly talk about the other one and how it would relate to your main thesis. For example if you want to focus on the community and Brooklyn College, how would that part of PlaNYC relate to the community aspect?

    Outcome: The most interesting thing think I learned from doing the PodWalk was that we had a garden for fruits and vegetables. What was even more surprising was that the teachers, students and people from the community can use the college’s garden if they want to. The area even has composting which is something I never knew about. The garden was the most interesting part for me since it never occurred to me our college would have a community garden. It shows how the college has a lot of things to offer but we just don’t know about it yet.

    Suggestion: I think your podcast could have been more interactive. When you talk about each stop, it might help the listener if you give walking directions or tell them where you’re headed before each stop. It felt like you were just springing information on me since throughout the podcast, you don’t tell me what stop we would be heading to next or what I should be seeing. It might be helpful to use phrases like if we walk ahead or you should now see Ingersoll Hall instead of just jumping right into telling me the facts. Another thing would be to make your thesis clearer so that the listener won’t get confused on what the main point you’re trying to convey is.

  • kenchan

    Ken Chan

    Podwalk Evaluated: Brooklyn College

    1. Clarity
    Numerical Rank: 10
    Notes: The speaker employs an understandable diction while speaking in a very clear, professional tone. The effortlessness, regulation of breathing patterns and nonexistent background sounds allows the listener to focus his/her attention to the rich information being imparted. The choice of having a singular person guiding the podwalk was effective. It is quite interesting to note the clarity of the inserted audio clip from David J. Rosenberg because the listener can undoubtedly hear his voice despite the cacophony of sounds accompanying this clip. Some pauses would’ve enhanced the ability of the listener to retain the information being said, but it’s not necessarily a big problem. Also, why was there music placed at the beginning of the SUBO audio and nowhere else? It’s somewhat inconsistent to have music only for that particular part of the podwalk, unless there was a specific reason for it being there.

    2. Thesis
    Numerical Rank: 8
    Notes: In the introduction, it was originally believed that the thesis concentrated on Brooklyn College’s ability to comply with the mission statement and goals outlined by PlaNYC in terms of sustainability. However, as the podwalk progressed, another idea was presented that has a lot of examples and academic sources supporting it: the amount of effort the college has or will input into the implementation of sustainable infrastructure and techniques (“Is the school trying to cover up its lack of effort in addressing sustainability?”). Transitions between these ideas seemed flawless, but the two ideas are distinguishable. A possible way to eliminate this issue without much trouble would be to explicitly state a thesis statement that synthesizes these two ideas into one.

    3. Relation to Sustainability
    Numerical Rank: 9
    Notes: The definition of sustainability is immediately established in the introduction of the podwalk, but it lacks a brief description for each of the three pillars of sustainability. Nevertheless, the references to the pillars of sustainability in regards to each stop and its corresponding features provides the listener with a general understanding of the individual pillars and the essentiality of the coalescence of them to yield an ideal sustainable setting. Even though it is emphasized in the introduction that Brooklyn College places more emphasis in addressing the environmental pillar of sustainability, the other pillars, economics and social, were not omitted from the podwalk. As mentioned in the podwalk, a wide variety of approaches have been embraced, such as situating recycling bins on every floor of buildings to encourage recycling and improve waste management, conserving energy by turning off lights whenever the opportunity arises, etc. It’s fascinating that these “common sense” measures are applied more towards older buildings such as Ingersoll Hall and Boylan Hall than newer buildings albeit newer buildings supposedly being less eco-friendly.

    4. Quality of Background Information
    Numerical Rank: 9
    Notes: The information is contextualized, specifically the history of the structure development, and its conciseness doesn’t bore the listener. There is a lot of information relating to PlaNYC along with the proper goals such as the expansion of public transportation, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, etc. Time frames are always given for significant events, but the relevance of this history in regards to the strive for sustainability. The following is an example of a question that integrates the history into modern sustainable endeavors when answered appropriately: Is it difficult to replace existing utility systems for less consuming energy ones? Furthermore, LEED certification standard and the criteria for evaluation are never explained to the listener.

    5. Quality of Hardcopy Materials (Including Aesthetics)
    Numerical Rank: 10
    Notes: The brochure and interactive guide are neatly organized, colorful and visually beautiful. The photographs of each stop accentuate their contributing role towards attaining a state of sustainability. The route laid out by the map follows a logical path in terms of walking convenience, and the instructions in the guide are not only understandable, but reinforces the knowledge obtained from the audio and explores the three pillars of sustainability indirectly. A lingering question that pops out is the obligation of planting a note at the bottom left corner of the podwalk map that states the map being outdated. It might be applicable for later generations, but it’s alright to exclude this note because the deviation between the provided map and the current landscape of the college’s campus is miniscule.

    6. Creativity
    Numerical Rank: 7.5
    Notes: The brochure and interactive guide satisfy this item completely, but the audio should’ve had a mixture of speakers instead of one because repetition eventually gets boring. This not only diversifies the sound being heard by the listener, thereby retaining his/her attention. With only one person speaking with no background music, the listener can also divide his/her focus towards the ambient sounds at each stop.

    7. Other Noteworthy Aspects (Note What these May Be)
    Numerical Rank: 10
    Notes: Some exceptional features of this podwalk was the inclusion of a small portion of the interview with David J. Rosenberg and the exhibition of both sides of Brooklyn College’s policy towards sustainability. The interview added authenticity and validation to the speaker’s information in regards to the sustainability mission of the class assembly. Although the positives of Brooklyn College’s efforts towards sustainability such as increased social interaction, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved quality of health, etc. are explored in great detail, the negatives include large immediate costs, confliction with running bureaucracy, etc. This helps to decrease the amount of bias associated to the information presented.

    Overall Strengths

    The podwalk was very informative, had detailed descriptions accompanying every aspect discussed and relays back to PlaNYC. Transitions were smooth, and the speaker does an excellent job in terms of educating the listener because of the clarity of the voice and language. All pillars of sustainability are examined with excellent examples incorporated, especially when institutions such as the Skidmore College are discussed in regards to the efforts they’ve taken (developed an environmental laboratory and student compost factory, advocates conservation awareness, etc.).

    Overall Weaknesses

    The thesis needs to be articulated to merge PlaNYC and the overall trend of colleges taking sustainable advances to serve as role models and influence others to become acquainted about this matter, which will majorly impact future generations. Explanations of LEED certification and the three pillars of sustainability have to be given prior to discussing them, especially if the listener is unfamiliar with the subject matter. Although there was plenty of statistical data in regards to PlaNYC, there was minimal to no statistical data in regards to sustainability at Brooklyn College. A question that can be posed as an example is the following: how successful have the student organizations been in achieving their objectives and is there any statistical data to support the claims made?

    Outcome: What was the most important and/or interesting thing you learned by doing this podwalk?

    The most interesting thing I learned from this podwalk is the inability to implement green infrastructure into the construction process of the Performing Arts Center while simultaneously using “common sense” strategies to approach the sustainability issue for old buildings. If one were to envision the long term cost rather than the immediate cost of installing green infrastructure, then one can see that it would be cost efficient in the long run due to energy conservation, etc. Nevertheless, as stated in the podwalk, the three pillars of sustainability must work together for any action to be executed.

    Suggestion: What’s the most important thing the group could revise to make this a better podwalk?

    The most important suggestion that should be considered in improving this podwalk is adding some statistical data in regards to Brooklyn College and sustainability. This will not only strengthen the thesis, which should be tweaked, but the evidence will make it less questionable and more valid.

  • Hillary Jaramillo

    Name: Hillary Jaramillo
    Name of Pod-walk I am Evaluating: Brooklyn College

    1) Clarity – 9
    While I listened to the Pod-walk, I was stunned by the clarity and eloquence of the narrator’s voice. Also, using only this voice allowed the whole podcast to have a high degree of consistency. Yet, I felt like more pauses could have been added. In other words, the narrator should have paced himself as he talked throughout the pod-walk. Most importantly, he should have made a small pause at the end of each sentence. By doing so, it would allow the listener to absorb and analyze the information they are given. Furthermore, they would not be as confused as one would expect from listening to a person who continuously talks without resting. However, this could be fixed easily with the help of voice recording programs, such as Garage band and iMovie, which would allow you to add more pauses where it is appropriate. Overall, I believed that this was one of great aspects of the podcast, but could be improved a bit more.

    2) Thesis – 6
    Throughout the whole podcast, I was unable to fully grasp the group’s thesis, even though it contain an immense wealth of information. Initially, I thought that the pod-walk was talking about how Brooklyn College’s efforts to become more environmentally sustainable were aligned with the goals of PlaNYC 2030. However, if this is the case, then I have no idea why the group mentioned the relationship between environmental sustainability and the community outside Brooklyn College. How does this community benefit from the college’s sustainability efforts? Therefore, I believe that there should be more work done to establish a clear thesis that is supported by the information provided in the podcast and mentions in the beginning and end of the podcast. This way, the audience will know what the main argument is about.

    3) Relation to sustainability – 8
    While the entire Pod-walk made references to environmental sustainability, it did not go in-depth with the other pillars of sustainability. However, I do not know if this was their intention. Like I previously mentioned, there was no clear thesis statement, and as such, I am unable to determine if their main focus was to cover only the environmental aspects of sustainability. Either way, the immense amount of information and examples about environmental sustainability overcame the lack of information and examples about social and economical sustainability.

    4) Quality of background information – 9
    The podwalk contained a large amount of information regarding the definition of sustainability and PlaNYC. For instance, there was background information about the 10-year sustainability plan and the pillars of sustainability. Furthermore, the audio for each stop discusses the background behind each stop and the sustainable efforts being done (or that will be done) in that particular area. It also transitions into a discussion about the progress of other universities in the United States compared to Brooklyn College. For instance, for the Performing Arts Center stop, the audio first talk about Brooklyn College’s goal to get the new building LEED certify. It then talks about how LEED certified buildings are better for the environment. It later starts a discussion about how many universities have LEED buildings and what their sustainability policies involve. However, the quantity of information presented in the pod-walk did not affect its quality. Throughout this pod-walk, the background information was brief and concise. It was enough to keep the audience informed, but also attentive to their surroundings.

    5) Quality of hardcover materials, including aesthetics – 9
    In my opinion, the format and coloring of the interaction guide was appropriate and well- done. For each stop, there was a picture that corresponded to each location, letting the audience know whether or not they are at the right place. Furthermore, the information was clear and concise, allowing the audience to follow through the pod-walk comprehensively. However, the cover page of the interactive guide needs to be refined to a small degree. For instance, I believe that the picture used for the cover page lessens the aesthetic appeal of the material. Therefore, if it is possible, to replace the current picture with one that is more appropriate to the page. In addition, the qualities of the map were outstanding. The directions as well as the route were clearly stated and shown. I was able to follow the directions exactly without facing any issues, even if I was not a Brooklyn College student at all.

    6) Creativity – 8
    In terms of the interactive guide and the map, I have no issues with creativity. I, for one, was unable to understand how the group was able to create such beautiful designs electronically. However, I did have some creativity issues with the pod-walk. For instance, I did not like the fact that most of the podcast did not incorporate additional audio effects. There was no music or any other tune to contrast against the narrator’s voice. However, this does not mean I did not like the way the narrator presented the information throughout the podcast. I just feel like there could have been ways to make each stop unique, such as the sounds that are being heard by the audience. For example, there should be a bike “jingle” at the beginning of the bike rack stop or a faint announcement before the West Quad stop. The addition of these types of sound effects would make the pod- walk more realistic and provide a transition for each consecutive stop.

    7) Other noteworthy aspect – 9
    The two aspects I wanted to point out was the incorporation of an interview and the pod-walk stops. It was a great idea to include a portion of an interview in the pod-walk (SUBO stop) and introduce a new voice. Furthermore, the interview also provides a source of legitimacy, since the interviewee provides a new perspective towards the sustainability efforts being done at Brooklyn College. Moreover, the last two stops (the garden and the plant) were excellent choices for the pod-walk. This is mostly because I have barely (if not, never) set foot to this part of campus since it is far from the Flatbush Avenue station. I was intrigued by the fact that the college had a garden and a plant that it made listen to the pod-walk more closely in order to learn more background information and importance to the sustainability.

    Overall Strengths
    The quality of the Pod-walk was great. The narrator’s voice was clear, the information presented was concise, and there was a sense of consistency throughout the podcast. The map and interactive guide provided was also well formatted and designed. The background information was enough to provide a broad overview of each stop, define what sustainability is, and explain what PlaNyc is. In addition, the number of stops was not overwhelming and the distance between each stop was not exaggerated.

    Overall Weaknesses
    The thesis needs to be clearly established in the pod-walk. This is because I felt that there was no concrete, simplified thesis for the audio. If this were the case, then it would be difficult for the audience to keep in mind the argument or statement the podcast is trying to support. Furthermore, there was a lack a sound effect in the audio. However, it is not as severe as the thesis. As such, there is room for improvement and creativity. Other than that, there are no more weaknesses to point out.

    Before I participated in this Podwalk, I knew that the college had a community garden. Yet, I did not know where it was located. Furthermore, I had no idea that there was a plant on campus. Therefore, how was I suppose to know that these two places were located behind the West Quad Building? I barely go to the West Quad, let alone go behind it. It is too far from the train station and is nowhere near my classes. In addition, some of the sustainability efforts around Brooklyn College also surprised me, such as the alternative means of travel. I knew that the college advocated for greener ways of travel, but I did not occur to me that they were negotiating with the MTA to provide more means of public transportation to the campus.

    As I have mentioned a couple of times in my evaluation, I think the most important things that could be revised are the thesis and the creativity of the audio. For instance, sound effects should be included into the podcast in order to make it more realistic. I, for one, would include sound effect between each stop to represent a transitional state from one topic to another. Furthermore, the thesis has to be clearly stated and supported. Thus, there is still a lot of room for improvements that can be accomplished in a relatively small amount of time.

    Other than that, great job on the podcast and good luck on your presentations at Macaulay.

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