Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Gowanus Canal Evaluation

November 30th, 2012 · 5 Comments · Gowanus Canal

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  • Yaasen Bhutta

    Yaasen Bhutta
    Gowanus Canal Podwalk Evaluation

    numerical rank: 9
    notes: Voice was clear, but intro somewhat confusing to follow, clear transitions in stops with changing speakers

    numerical rank: 9
    notes: Talks about gentrification early on, notes class differences (brownstones vs. apartment buildings from stop 1 to stop 2), shows cause and effect of gentrification (neighborhood clean-up as a cause), mentions Brooklyn items in whole foods that will be good for the neighborhood

    3. Relation to sustainability
    numerical rank: 9
    notes: Talks about social and ecological sustainability throughout, mentions economic sustainability in every stop with even more consistency, notes class differences early on, provides lots of information on pollution and future clean-up plans, mentions trade-offs of social sustainability while gaining economic and ecological sustainability

    4. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics:
    numerical rank: 7.5
    notes: Clear map, visuals were impressive, but there was not a picture for every stop on the map which would have been preferred

    5. Creativity:
    numerical rank: 8
    notes: Added nice music in the beginning and stop 5, a few humorous statements were made, and particularly dramatic music when discussing potentially ominous future for stop 5

    6. Other Noteworthy:
    numerical rank: 8
    notes: Nice background music in the podwalk at times, very informative description of toxic compounds in water, nice joke “If people are seen with shopping bags in front of Whole Foods, you need a new podwalk”

    7. Overall Strengths:
    I felt that the biggest strength of the podwalk was its incredible information. It provided great background information and stayed consistent with the theme of gentrification at all times. Jessen’s description of the toxic chemicals in water, and Rachel’s opening dialogue were filled with interesting and contextualizing knowledge that would benefit anyone who would be new to the neighborhood. I felt that changing speakers gave the podwalk more excitement and it kept me wondering who would present next. The podwalk was very well done overall.

    Overall Weaknesses:
    Although the podwalk was very informative, at times it seemed too detail-y. Particularly the beginning, where the long background occasionally left me lost and even somewhat bored. I thought that the podwalk could have used more music and more humor. Rachel’s joke, that if one saw people walking with shopping bags near Whole Foods, that they should get a new podwalk, was very entertaining and funny. The podwalk could have used a little more of that, and more creative elements overall. It was informative, but a little bland at times. However, I was still engaged throughout the piece and tour.

    Suggestion: Add more creative elements, without compromising the integrity or importance given to the thesis. A little more humor or background music would make it more enjoyable. Perhaps some “sounds of the Gowanus neighborhood”.

  • Victoria Tang

    1. Clarity: 8
    The voices are generally clear. One part that I felt was unclear was the superfund section of the introduction. (I don’t know if it belongs in this category, but I’ll discuss it here anyways.)
    When you discuss the Gowanus Canal being declared a Superfund site, the next statement about Mayor Bloomberg’s argument for an innovative approach, as opposed to a lengthy bureaucratic cleanup, makes it seem as if the superfund cleanup is Bloomberg’s innovative approach. That part needs to be clarified, maybe by saying that the superfund process is a lengthy bureaucratic cleanup. Bloomberg’s opposition is also not elaborated upon. What was his innovative approach? There’s no clear statement that it failed. What are the pros of being a superfund site (if it’s slower, more troublesome, expensive, and causes developers to back out)?

    2. Thesis: 10
    The thesis of gentrification is clearly stated at the end of the introduction. It is very strong and each stop clearly relates back to the thesis.

    3. Relation to sustainability: 8
    The definition of gentrification in the introduction relates to sustainability and the pillars. However, while the terms are used, I don’t think they were ever clearly defined. Each stop also relates to sustainability. However, I felt as if the relation was more implicit than explicit.

    4. Quality of background information: 9
    The background info was very relevant and detailed. However, at times, I felt as if there might have been too much. Too much background info can disengage the listener, especially in a pod walk where you have to stand. The history is really elaborate and so is the superfund section.

    5. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics: 7
    There are some formatting errors on the map brochure. The color scheme is nice, but a bit dull. Also, is the interaction guide missing or is the same as the map brochure?

    6. Creativity: 8
    I liked the subtle sounds playing behind the talking. They were very relevant and didn’t interfere with the words. However, it would be nice if you made some of the sounds louder or brought them to the “foreground” between breaks of talking.

    7. Other noteworthy aspects: 8
    There were some awkward sound and volume transitions. But otherwise, the pod walk was very informative and made logical walking sense.

    Overall strengths: The introduction was very informative and the thesis was very strong. Each stop related to gentrification and sustainability. The background info was very good. I also liked the raising of questions. It was a great to engage the listener.

    Overall weaknesses: The sound and volume transitions were strange at times. I also felt that sometimes there was too much information given at once. This makes it difficult to stay fully focused. I also think you should briefly define sustainability and what the pillars mean (though I’m not sure if I caught that properly).

    Outcome: The most interesting I learned was how much gentrification plays into the cleanup of the canal.

    Suggestion: Make the sounds more noticeable every once in a while. Also discuss the pros of being a superfund site and define the pillars of sustainability (at least in relation to the Gowanus).

  • Mohit Kumar

    1. Clarity: 9
    I felt that the first speaker was the easiest to follow, and held my attention the best. There was good transition between both speakers and stops.

    2. Thesis: 10
    Personally, I think this thesis has the strongest correlation with the podwalk. It would be clearly noticeable to someone walking from stop to stop, and it was well explained/described in the podwalk.

    3. Relation to Sustainability: 8
    I think having a strong thesis made a little harder to focus on sustainability. It was not given as much attention as gentrification. Social and economic sustainability were related well, but information could be added about ecological sustainability.

    4. Quality of Background Information: 9
    Background information was very complete. It provided important context for the thesis and the relation to sustainability.

    5. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics: 7
    I liked the map brochure and that it included directions on how to get to the first stop. However, I don’t think the interaction guide was supposed to be combined with the map.

    6. Creativity: 8
    Music in the podwalk was nice and soothing. Volume was perfect for it to not become a distraction. However, there was not much else that made the podwalk stand out to me.

    7. Other noteworthy aspects: 9
    The effort in creating a podwalk different than the one we went on as a class was clearly noticeable. Highlighting gentrification was an excellent way to make this podwalk stand out from the previous one.

    Overall Strengths: Others may have found there to be a little too much background information. However, I enjoyed having thorough knowledge of the canal before embarking on the podwalk. In addition, the podwalk had a very strong thesis. The issue of gentrification being made the focus of this podwalk was a great approach to making it different than the original version. Also, the music was hypnotic and helped me pay attention to the information being given to me.

    Overall Weaknesses: The interaction guide needs to be separate from the map brochure. It should highlight a few details of each stop with an accompanying picture of the stop. More information about ecological sustainability was needed. The speakers could use more enthusiasm and liveliness in the audio.

    Outcome: The most interesting thing I learned from the podwalk is that it took the opportunity to gain money, rather than the dangers of such a polluted site, to really kick-start a cleanup of the Gowanus Canal.

    Suggestion: Create an aesthetically pleasing interaction guide. Add a little more information about ecological sustainability and the cleanup (from a scientific perspective). The podwalk would also benefit from a more enthusiastic recording.

  • markmarkov

    numerical rank: 7
    notes: Voice is more or less clear, but a glass of water would help. It is hard to follow on a stop to stop basis but I guess in the end it will be mad of separate mp3s.
    numerical rank: 8
    notes: Intro is a bit too long, so its hard to not miss the thesis. On the other hand it is quite consistent.
    3. Relation to sustainability
    numerical rank: 10
    notes: Focuses on economic sustainability of gentrification very well with social and especially environmental sustainability in background (as they are not the direct focus but obviously important context)
    4. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics:
    numerical rank: 9
    notes: Clear map and nice optional stop. Looks professional.
    5. Creativity:
    numerical rank: 8
    notes: Some nice jokes about the stench of the air. An optional stop. Sometimes the tone of the speaker is amusingly does not fit the context, which sounds great but I am not sure if that was planned.
    6. Other Noteworthy:
    numerical rank: 8
    notes: There is an interesting amount of emotional attachment to the canal, probably because some of you guys worked on it. Sounds great.
    7. Overall Strengths:
    There was a great amount of context in the podcast. You gave the history, the science of he potential diseases that might arise and the social science of the event in a layman setting.
    Overall Weaknesses:
    Though the audio was clear, and I always understood what was being said, it was sometimes done in a spoken language manner that sounded off. Some of the history in the intro took a bit too long, maybe cut parts of it.
    Suggestion: You might want to cut clicking sounds out of the audio (when you press record). Also some people speak a lot louder than others but that is fixable. The truth is that it is probably best to just make one person do all the audio in one sitting. Also, announce more of the stops. And don’t forget to read the scripts word for word because unnecessary colloquialisms pop in from time to time and that can put listeners off because it may sound unprofessional to them.

  • Jackie

    Jacqueline Retalis
    Gowanus Canal Podwalk Evaluation

    1. Clarity: 8
    Notes: The voices were clear. The main problem is that the different members of the group have vast roles to play on teach of the stops, with some being more social science based and others being more scientifically based. This leads to a not quite clear transition between the different stops.

    2. Thesis: 9
    Notes: The social impacts of gentrification and social and economic inequality is expressed clearly throughout the podwalk. What could have been better would have been if the scientific information described to explain about the problems of the Gowanus Canal explained some of a social science effect on the place as a way to balance it out.

    3. Relation to Sustainability: 8
    Notes: The three pillars of sustainability are mentioned when describing the main issue of gentrification in addition to that of the Gowanus Canal. However, the definition of sustainability should have been mentioned more clearly, since many of the listeners would not know what sustainability is.

    4. Quality of Background Information: 10
    Notes: There is a lot of background information explaining the history of the Gowanus Canal. It explains the canal clearly to people who would not know about it otherwise.

    5. Quality of hardcopy materials, including aesthetics: 6
    Notes: The map is clear and the quality is good, but the aim of the interaction guide is well, interaction. The questions that are asked in each place are not present in guide. There should also be pictures of at least two or three stops, if not all stops, rather than just pictures of the Gowanus Canal. The fact that gentrification is important in the interaction guide must be expressed.

    6. Creativity: 7
    Notes: There was some background music and some interaction sounds. However, there was nothing that made the podwalk especially memorable.

    7. Other Noteworthy Aspects: 9
    Notes: The information of the chemicals in the water of the Gowanus Canal as well as the effect of Industrialization on the Gowanus Canal expresses informative information that transcends beyond the main topic of the project.

    8. Overall Strengths: The podwalk is clearly expressed, to the point, and informative. The social impacts of gentrification are expressed well and the background information is expressed in an even better way. It is told by the way that the information is expressed that a lot of research, effort and hard work was put into the project. The diversity in the wealth of information shows that the research was divided evenly.

    9. Overall Weaknesses: The podwalk seemed kind of disconnected. The different speakers express multiple sources of information on the Gowanus Canal, but it also expresses a disconnection between the stops even though each stop should be able to transition easily. The meaning of sustainability should be portrayed in a way to make it more interactive for the general listener, not everybody knows about environmental science and the idea of sustainability is rather recent and innovative. The interaction guide only expresses the stops and the map but no connection between it and the main topic of gentrification and sustainability, which would cause the listeners to not question the issue of gentrification as much as they should.

    10. Suggestion: The listener should discover some of the information told from the podwalk, which would cause the listener to be more engaged. There should be sound of the Gowanus Canal so that the Gowanus Canal is more memorable to the speaker. In addition, since the Gowanus Canal is based a lot upon the five senses, the five senses should be expressed as a way for the speaker to connect to the podwalk.

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