Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Brooklyn College 10 Year Sustainability Plan Draft

October 4th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Brooklyn College

*Brooklyn College Sustainability Council. Brooklyn College 10 Year Sustainability Plan Draft. 2010. PDF file.

*author taken from Brooklyn College Sustainability Draft 2009.

This draft was drawn up by the Brooklyn College Sustainability Council. It addresses the steps Brooklyn College plans to take to reduce its carbon footprint. The plan specifically outlines its goals, timelines, and action plans for each sustainability pillar area: (i) waste reduction and recycling; (ii) energy; (iii) water; (iv) procurement; (v) transportation; (vi) education and outreach; and (vii) food and nutrition. The draft also describes the campus’ facilities and the school’s past and current actions to create a sustainable campus. This document is listed on the Sustainability section of its Brooklyn College’s website for anyone interested in the school’s efforts to better the environment.

It clearly breaks down each goal and how the school plans to achieve it. The draft also addresses the history of sustainability on the campus. The plan is very logistic. It provides information on what Brooklyn College is planning to do, however, it does not tell of the actual implementation. This document is very relevant to understanding what Brooklyn College is doing to become more sustainable.

BC 10 Year Sustainability Plan

Download (PDF, 480KB)

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2 Comments so far ↓

  • Yaasen Bhutta

    I think the annotation is pretty much perfect. I’m assuming that the website is just listing a plan and can’t have biases, but maybe you could mention if seem to be addressing their complete sustainability history or only certain parts to make Brooklyn College look better.

  • tlewis

    Who is the author? Also, I think Yaasen’s point is worth noting: what is the purpose of the document? Is it to make the College look good?

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