Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Entries Tagged as 'Victoria Tang'

Protected: “Growing” A Campus Native Species Garden: Sustaining Volunteer-Driven Sustainability

October 17th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn College

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New Economic And Financial Indicators Of Sustainability

October 17th, 2012 · No Comments · Brooklyn College

Pittman, James, and Kevin Wilhelm. “New Economic And Financial Indicators Of Sustainability.” New Directions For Institutional Research 2007.134 (2007): 55-69. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. The authors are James Pittman and Kevin Wilhelm. Pittman is a consulting ecological economist for Earth Economics and teaches sustainability science at Brainbridge Graduate Institute and Prescott College. […]



The Challenges Of Sustainability Education

October 17th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

McFarlane, Donovan A., and Agueda G. Ogazon. “The Challenges Of Sustainability Education.” Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research (1947-2900) 3.3 (2011): 81-107. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. The authors are Donovan A. McFarlane – founder of The Donovan Society LLC and Professor of Management, Business Administration, and Business Research – and Agueda G. Ogazon – […]


Tags:· Facilities Planning, Construction and Management: Capital Budget

October 14th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

“Facilities Planning, Construction and Management: Capital Budget.” The City University of New York, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <>. This section of CUNY’s Facilities Planning, Construction and Management website lists the Five-Year and Reso A Capital requests for the CUNY colleges and the funding results for different fiscal years. For Brooklyn College’s “Individual College […]



CUNY Brooklyn College Master Plan Amendement

October 14th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Pfeiffer Architects, Scott Blackwell Page, ARUP, and VJ Associates. CUNY Brooklyn College Master Plan Amendment. 2011. PDF file. The Master Plan Amendment outlines proposed improvements for the Brooklyn College campus through 2020. This document addresses issues and proposes construction/renovation/development projects, cost, and a recommended sequence. In relation to sustainability, the Master Plan offers recommendations for […]



Protected: Explicitly Linking Pedagogy And Facilities To Campus Sustainability: Lessons From Carleton College And The University Of Minnesota

October 13th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn College

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Cost And Red Tape Hamper Colleges’ Efforts To Go Green

October 12th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Carlson, Scott. “Cost And Red Tape Hamper Colleges’ Efforts To Go Green. (Cover Story).” Chronicle Of Higher Education 54.31 (2008): A1-A17. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. The author is Scott Carlson, a senior reporter at the “Chronicle of Higher Education.” His articles focus specifically on architecture, sustainability, and energy. In this article, he […]



Protected: Greening The Campus Without Grass: Using Visual Methods To Understand And Integrate Student Perspectives In Campus Landscape Development And Water Sustainability Planning

October 4th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn College

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Protected: An Integrated Approach To Achieving Campus Sustainability: Assessment Of The Current Campus Environmental Management Practices

October 4th, 2012 · Enter your password to view comments. · Brooklyn College

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Brooklyn College 10 Year Sustainability Plan Draft

October 4th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Brooklyn College

*Brooklyn College Sustainability Council. Brooklyn College 10 Year Sustainability Plan Draft. 2010. PDF file. *author taken from Brooklyn College Sustainability Draft 2009. This draft was drawn up by the Brooklyn College Sustainability Council. It addresses the steps Brooklyn College plans to take to reduce its carbon footprint. The plan specifically outlines its goals, timelines, and […]

