“Facilities Planning, Construction and Management: Capital Budget.” Cuny.edu. The City University of New York, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2012. <http://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/fpcm/departments/cb.html>.
This section of CUNY’s Facilities Planning, Construction and Management website lists the Five-Year and Reso A Capital requests for the CUNY colleges and the funding results for different fiscal years. For Brooklyn College’s “Individual College Five-Year and Reso-A Capital Requests,” the school lists its major projects, their costs, and funding requests/received. Through these documents, we can see the projects Brooklyn College completed and the projects that are still in progress. This source specifically deals with the financial aspect of renovation/construction and sustainability. Many of the projects listed directly deal with the campus’ commitment to sustainability. We can use the information of each project when discussing past, future, and present projects of Brooklyn College and how they play into environmental and economic sustainability.
These requests are made available for the public to see. However, the Five-Year Capital Plan requests are specifically addressed to the State and City while the Reso-A is addressed to the New York City Council and the Borough President. There is no bias in this website because it merely lists CUNY capital requests. Each of the documents are just forms filled out by the colleges to ask for funding.
tlewis // Nov 2, 2012 at 7:18 pm
How will this be useful for the PodWalk?