Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

CUNY Brooklyn College Master Plan Amendement

October 14th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Pfeiffer Architects, Scott Blackwell Page, ARUP, and VJ Associates. CUNY Brooklyn College Master Plan Amendment. 2011. PDF file.

The Master Plan Amendment outlines proposed improvements for the Brooklyn College campus through 2020. This document addresses issues and proposes construction/renovation/development projects, cost, and a recommended sequence. In relation to sustainability, the Master Plan offers recommendations for route maintenance of building exteriors and for maintenance of the interiors. There are proposals for updating the college’s infrastructure. Starting from page 63, the plan addresses what Brooklyn College is currently doing and what it should do in order to be more sustainable.  Starting from page 69, the plan recommends sustainable initiatives to be used in conjunction with the college’s sustainable energy efforts. At the end of the PDF, they discuss the cost estimates of carrying out each plan and the best phasing sequence considering finance, priorities, and disruption.

The Master Plan Amendment is a renovation proposal. Its main goal is to make Brooklyn College a better place for education and for the environment. The plan also focuses on how to increase enrollment and make the college more attractive to students. This document is intended for the facilities administration to take into consideration and possibly implement. And because it is available online, it is open for the public’s awareness. It is very useful for our project because it outlines the possible future of the campus. The sections specifically regarding to construction and cost demonstrate the college’s plans for environmental and economic sustainability. We can also use the information and history of the campus and buildings for our podcast.

CUNY Brooklyn College Master Plan Amendment

[The file is large so it takes a while to load.]

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