Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

The Mixed Political Blessing of Campus Sustainability

October 5th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn College

Sheryl, D. B. (2010). The mixed political blessing of campus sustainability. PS, Political Science & Politics, 43(4), 685-690. doi:

Sheryl Breen focuses on what she find lacking in campus sustainably initiatives. Though she does acknowledge that many of the current initiatives are useful and progressive in terms of bringing the issue of sustainability into the forefront, Breen argues that the movement is too top heavy and does not engage students and grass roots. It also completely ignores social aspects of sustainability and engages in some green washing. She questions the lack of focus on race and justice and in general the third circle of the Venn Diagram of sustainability.

The article is written by a professor for the academic audience of Political Science & Politics, and thus focuses more on the social issues of sustainability than on the scientific ones. Though the author’s argument is in many ways political, it is nevertheless important to keep it in mind as one type of critique of campus sustainability efforts. It would be interesting to see if Brooklyn College engages the issue in the same way as the article described other colleges concerning greening up campus.

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One Comment so far ↓

  • tlewis

    Is the author’s name Sheryl Breen? If so, fix the citation. I’m glad to see you using a specific subject tag, but it isn’t clear from your annotation how this fits into marketing sustainability.

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