Science and Technology of New York City

Macaulay Seminar 3 – MCHC 2001

Science and Technology of New York City

Ruby Bruner: Silver Medal Winner Brooklyn Bridge Park

October 5th, 2012 · 1 Comment · Brooklyn Bridge Park

The project description for Brooklyn Bridge Park is written for the Bruner Award for Urban Excellence, established by the Bruner Foundation for urban locations that have a revolutionary impact on the community as a result of it’s design and development. The committee for this award is made up of individuals who are mayors or executive directors of urban planning/designing. Since it’s an award recipient, the bias will be to paint the Brooklyn Bridge Park in a positive light for it’s development plans, facilities and impacts. This project description is split into various sections; brief historical background, location and facility details, recreational activities provided, park design with corporations of sustainability ideas, construction plans, financial budget and spending of the park. The breakdown of the various ideas into different sections is a strength since it focuses on all the major points and makes it easier for readers to find the information they are looking for. Another strength is that it provides visual aid in terms of diagrams, maps, and charts. A weakness is that the majority of the information provided is brief, so other sources will need to be referenced for further details. The intended audience for this project description is the general public as it brings to focus the sustainability efforts and development plans for Brooklyn Bridge Park. It’s colorful scheme, pictorials and easy to understand language facilitates this point. In some ways, the project description serves a form of self-promotion for the park as it plays upon the public’s train of thought. After all, the park received a award, so it has to be noteworthy. This project description is relevant since it provides a starting point as it gives a general overview of the park. The historical background reflects the growing trend and demand for urban recreational activities. The descriptions of the park facilities, recreational activities, development plans and financial budget give insight into current ideas of sustainability and what urban dwellers currently label as important or necessary to have.


Bruner Foundation, . “Ruby Bruner: Silver Medal Winner Brooklyn Bridge Park.” Rudy    Brunner Award . N.p., 2012. Web.   September 27, 2012. <>.


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